8 | LOSS

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Trigger Warning

     IT WAS HUGE news, the engagement of Elvis and Jamie. Many people loved the idea, some hated it. But it would mean that an out of control woman could now be kept in check by her All-American Military husband. That was the appearance that Colonel hoped would stick.

However, the happiness of this engagement wouldn't last long, as Gladys would soon pass away. Since Elvis left for the army, she wallowed and cried and drank.

Elvis, Jamie and Vernon had been at her side when she past, Elvis had been sent home when she first became sick and now, he was heartbroken at the loss of his mother.

But life only got worse for those in Graceland.

Days after Gladys' death, Jamie lost her father. He had never recovered from that cold, he slowly got worse until one day, Jamie walked into his room to find him not breathing and cold to the touch.

The world was in grief for the two artists. They did not like seeing the people they loved in such pain and heartbreak.

Elvis spent most of his time in Gladys' room, inhaling the smell of her and praying for her to come back.

Jamie, however, didn't know how to handle grief. She kept herself busy, as much as she could, the only time she couldnt was at night. And at night she would sob and sob until she passed out from exhaustion. She had no one left, no biological family anyway. She knew she had Vernon and Elvis but they were going through there own grief, they didn't need the weight of her problems as well.

One night, Jamie sat in her bathroom leaning over the toilet. She had cried so much that she had thrown up everything that she had eaten that day. She felt light headed and the bright lights of the bathroom were no help.

She didn't hear the bedroom door open, or someone walking to the bathroom. She barely noticed the figure stood in the doorway. She only noticed someone when they kneeled in front of her. She looked up through puffy red eyes to see Elvis.

His own eyes were puffy and red, but not as bad as hers. His hear broke, seeing her in such a vulnerable state when she held herself together to well during the day and through her life. He sat down on the bathroom floor and pulled the girl onto his lap, Jamie curled up and began to cry more at the sign of comfort.

It was the first real bit of comfort she had received since her father passed.

Elvis, who held back his own tears, rubbed her back gently. He had gotten lots of comfort from his family, there were a lot of family that he had but it had only just occurred to him that Jamie had no one. He thought about how much he had seen her cry since her father passed but he realised he never saw it once.

The two stayed like that for a few hours until Jamie had cried herself to sleep. Elvis moved carefully, not wanting to wake the girl up. He managed to get her into bed, he stared at her face, stained with tears. He leaned down and kissed her cheeks, then her temples, then her forehead, her nose and lastly her lips.

"Goodnight darlin'." He whispered, before climbing into bed with her.

The next day, Jamie barely knew what had happened. But she came to reality when a camera flashed in her face. She looked around, Elvis and Vernon beside her. Elvis looked at her and pulled her into his side, grabbing her hand.

He leaned over. "Its okay, baby. Its just a little interview. It'll be over soon." He whispered.

Jamie nodded, looking around the reporters and their flashing cameras.

Not too long after, Elvis was shipped back off to Germany, leaving Vernon and Jamie at Graceland. However, this did give the girl a chance to deal with Newburn enterprises. Now her father had passed, she had no one looking at her finances and that was something that needed to ve looked after.

Jamie found a record of her spending, her fathers spending and the Colonels. She didn't like how much Colonel was spending of her money. She decided to take it to a lawyer, asking them was her best option was. Now, her lawyer was amazing.

In the end, Jamie managed to move everything to her own name. She 90% of her own money, 10% going to the Colonel. She wrote a new contract that Colonel sighed, she could make her own music but he would help with tours and where she could preform.

Colonel wasn't too fussed about her changing everything. He believed that when she married Elvis, she would fall into the housewife role. Retire and not make any more music, it left him to deal with Elvis, who was making more money than his female counterpart. And 10% was still a lot of Jamie's earnings, he was taking 50% of Elvis' anyway.

As the two years soon came to a close, Jamie had recently been sorting out wedding plans. The Colonel wanted them to marry as soon as possible but Jamie took her sweet time with it. She wanted time with Elvis before they got married.

When Elvis left the boat that brought him home, Jamie pushed through the officers who were stopping the guards and ran towards him. Elvis quickly caught slight of her and dropped his bags just in time to catch her. He spun her around and then placed her on her feet. She grabbed his collar and pull him down for a kiss, there was an increase in camera flashes but the pair didn't care.

They were just happy to be back with each other.

Elvis also announced, on his return home, that his plan was to be a serious actor. No more singing films. But that didn't last very long as the movies he did with no singing were never as popular as the ones where he was singing.

Jamie had gotten into a bit of acting but stayed more on the music side.

One good thing was that Elvis became so caught up in his movies that their wedding was pushed back. Jamie was happy about this as it mean she and Elvis could spend more time together as a couple and plan their wedding together.

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