Chapter 27

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"Okay, it's my turn!" Yuna said holding three letters in her hand. I could tell her hands were shaking as she opened the first envelope, which was Jeonju College of arts, where she was accepted and was also accepted to the one in Seoul.

"That's it." She said biting her lip. She then unfolded the paper and started reading before dropping it and starting to hyperventilate. "OH MY FUCKING FUCK! GET INTO FUCKING COLLEGE IN BROOKLYN FUCK! I GOT A SCHOLARSHIP, HOLY FUCK!"

"And now me." Beomgyu said and I leaned back a little on my chair to look at him. "This is from college in Jeonju and I got rejected."

He didn't seem to mind, then opened the second letter that said he was going to the sports university in Seoul, just like Jake.

"So I guess Ningning, Chris, Seungmin and I are going to America in early August!" Yuna exclaimed quite excited.

"Am I the only one who will probably stay in Jeonju during college?" Yeji asked and Beomgyu laughed.

"You haven't finished school yet, first officer."

I saw Yeji throwing him a dangerous look that made me feel a bit uncomfortable and scared for Beomgyu.

"Marshmallow time!" Somi said happily and handed everyone a stick that had three marshmallows on it.

I ate my candy in silence, watching and listening to everyone's chatter about college. Mostly about the 'cool' frat parties they were all going to attend.

It was a little after eleven, when everyone started to get sleepy, so we decided we'd better go to sleep.

"We're going to the lake tomorrow. Right?" Somi asked her brother and he nodded.

"Okay, good night!" Yuna's voice was heard from inside her tent after she entered.

"So how are we going to do this? Women first?" Karina asked looking at me and I nodded. She told Chris and Seungmin to stay outside until we changed into our pajamas, then we would go outside so they could change.

I changed into a pair of plaid shorts and a thin tank top, I didn't think it would be cold at night. But it proved me wrong.

As soon as I left the tent to let the guys get dressed, I went with the girls to see if anyone had a spare blanket I could wrap up in.

"No, we're out!" Yuna joked, making Somi laugh, who hugged Lia.


"We don't have blankets. You should have brought a spare, we're in the middle of nowhere, it was clearly going to be cold. Good night."

Giselle bid me goodnight and suggested I stop by the other tent, because Ningning usually had a blanket. Then their bunk went out and I ended up in front of the tent where Yeji was.

I pulled down the blackout curtain at the entrance. I could see Yeji on her phone and the rest of them were on theirs as well.

"Um hi." I said as Beomgyu opened the zipper of the cloak that separated me from them.

"Hello, baby. Have you come to visit me?"

Yeji's eyes wandered from her phone screen to me and watched Beomgyu's interaction with me.

"I came to ask if anyone had a blanket."

"You don't have one?"


"Well, I don't have a blanket, but if you want we can cuddle." He said winking at me.


"Yeji has a blanket." Jake said and I looked at her, remembering that I had seen her wrapped in a blanket a few minutes ago.

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