Chapter 29

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I was still wearing Yeji's jacket when I entered my house. Yuna was eating in the kitchen and Grandma had her ear pressed to the window.

"You were at the Hwang's house?" She asked me and I knew I was in trouble.

"Yes... Ehmm... Yeji's mom asked me to have lunch with them."


"Hey grandma, aren't Seulgi and that Mark guy married?"

She turned to look at me.

"I know I told you that before, but I actually heard a rumor in the neighborhood that they were just engaged and now they plan to make it official. I heard that they already planned the wedding months ago, but they didn't tell anyone so Yeji wouldn't find out.

"So, when is the wedding?"

"I heard it was going to be at the end of August, but it's not for sure. It's weird, he doesn't even live with her, BLOODY HELL!"

My head snapped up at her sudden outburst and I looked in the direction she was looking in, to see Yeji walking out of her house, a backpack slung over one of her shoulders.

She was wearing a black jacket with a gray hoodie underneath. I saw Seulgi open the door and shout something behind her, but she simply held up her middle finger before walking faster down the street.

She disappeared before our eyes and Grandma let out a whistle before turning back to me.

"Didn't I tell you that girl was in trouble? Listen to me when I tell you, don't get involved with her, she has a lot of mental and personal problems that will ruin you."

Yuna and I looked at the grandmother.

"Anyone want some tea?" She asked immediately changing the subject.



The next day I found out from Giselle, that Yeji left home. My heart sank in my chest and I almost dropped the pair of shoes I was holding.

We went out shopping, I was determined to buy myself some clothes with the money I earned from the dance.

"So, what about Yeji?" I asked pretending not to care as I walked around and perused the racks.

I picked up a sneaker and looked at the price, then immediately returned it because there was no way I was spending $100 on a pair of shoes, that was all the money I had on me.

"She ran away from home again."

"Again?" I asked in surprise, almost throwing down the yellow Vans. She nodded. "She ran away before?" She nodded again, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why?"

"The first time she ran away from home was when she was sixteen, when she found out her parents were getting divorced and her father was moving to New York. She only returned three days later, with two tattoos and a lip ring. Then the second time she ran away, was when she found out that her mother was engaged to her boyfriend, she got into a big fight with her and left, but for a week. Everyone was worried because no one knew where she had gone, when she finally came back she was covered in tattoos, not as many as now of course and she had a tongue piercing. She changed."

"You were close friends before she became like that?"

"Yes, since we were little girls playing half-naked in the kiddie pools."

Giselle chuckled at the memory, before deciding she wanted us to go to a lingerie store. I really didn't like 'hot' underwear, so I sat on a couch while she looked at some clothes.

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