Chapter 35

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It was seven-thirty when I finished brushing my hair and putting on my makeup. I put on my black skirt with a pattern of colored lights.

I figured it was going to be cold, so I wore knee-high stockings with suspenders, but the skirt hid it so it didn't look so vulgar. I told my grandmother that Giselle and I were going to a party so she wouldn't suspect anything.

My stomach was turning backwards when I arrived at the bus station. It wasn't cold, but I was sure it would be later.

Her car showed up five minutes later and I walked in smiling.


I looked at her as I buckled my seat belt. She was wearing a black jacket and an orange shirt underneath, her hair was half up and her piercings were gone. She looked so good.

"Hi." She replied and looked at me quickly.

"So where are we going?"

"To a restaurant."

So it was a date.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Is this a date?"

She looked at me again as she stopped at a red light. Yeji leaned in and kissed me, sucking on my bottom lip, but she didn't respond. My left hand darted out to cup her cheek and she pulled back as the car behind her started honking.

Yeji rolled down the window and shot her middle finger, making me gasp.

"Yeji, don't do that." I said, turning my head to see the driver's reaction.

She laughed and sped away, her left hand covering mine on my knee. We arrived downtown ten minutes later and she parked where she usually does when we get here.

We met on the hood of the car and hee eyes looked me up and down, before she suddenly grabbed me by the hips and lifted me up, placing me on top of it.

"You look so good." She said kissing me briefly, before kissing cheek, then my neck. I pushed her off and she looked at me confused.

"There are people watching."

"So what? Let them watch."

"I'm hungry."


I got out of the car, adjusting my dress, hoping she hadn't seen my tights that weren't really tights.

"You should have brought a jacket or something. It's going to be cold." She said wrapping her right arm around my waist, her fingers digging into the exposed skin of my stomach.

I shrugged and finally stopped walking in front of an Italian restaurant. I almost melted when she opened the door and held it open for me to walk in first, cheesy though.

"Reservation for Hwang." She said addressing the lady at the front desk.

"You made a reservation?

"I wanted a seat by the window."

"It's dark outside."


I sat down at the table for two, feeling a little nervious because I knew we'd be here for an hour or so, what if we ran out of topics to talk about? What if I thought I ate too much? What if I didn't like the food? What if the money I brought wasn't enough?

She took off her jacket and hung it on the back of the chair. I opened the menu and decided on ravioli.
The waiter came over to ask about drinks and she ordered a beer, assuring me that she could drive just fine. I settled for a Coke and the waiter told me to call if I needed anything else, winking at me before leaving.

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