chapter 17

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"Don't wanna be a hero anymore
Think I'm done fighting in the war
Don't wanna be a monster, not to you
But I've forgotten who I was before

I would be a villain, villain
If I got to keep you
Caught up in the feelings, feelings
Running from the truth

Why would I save the world if I can't save you...?" - can't save the world, kendra dantes

"Erik Lehnsherr is more powerful than even he himself realised." The immense force had not overwhelmed him as they expected. He was still floating around in space. "They knew his survival was a possibility, but they agreed to keep the school safe no matter what. Charles respected that. And convincing himself he's dead was much easier than accepting he'd be tortured by immortality forever."

"If you truly resemble Charles as much as you claim, stop holding the children hostage. They have done nothing wrong," Raven attempted to reason with him. "Take your anger out on us."

"I'm not going to hurt them- as long as they comply with my plan. I'm going to need all of them to get what I want. Starting with finding my metal bender."

He snapped a finger and dragged a group of young mutants towards himself. One was Jean, back to her telekinetic and telepathic powers, albeit weakened. Another one was Kurt, a boy who could teleport himself to anywhere. Quicksilver was already there to speed up the process. And Scott could be used in case they ran into any danger on the way.

"It's your task now to locate Erik Lehnsherr in space. You can use any mutant here to help you out and tell me if there's any equipment you need to get the job done. I don't care what it takes."

"How are we supposed to do it?" Jean asked cluelessly. She could think of some ways, sure, but none of them were safe.

"Once you locate him, you're going to enter his mind, darling. The image will ensure Kurt can teleport you there. You snatch Magneto up from space, using Quicksilver to quicken up the process and ta-da, you're done."

"But she might damage her mind again in the process!" Raven shouted. Jean was barely able to function properly as of now and if she came into contact with the dark force once again, no one could tell what would happen.

"Not only that, but Kurt might not make it back. He's not experienced enough with space travels and carrying such immense strength will at least take a big toll on him," Hank stated further. None of the kids were safe doing what Onslaught asked them to.

"I guess they'll do anything to survive," the man replied carelessly. "And if they don't, someone else will do the job."

It took a while, but after a few days of barely sleeping, traveling to space repeatedly to try and locate Erik, using any technology they could get their hands on, they were finally able to get a picture of him - or rather the few particles that were left of him.

Kurt could get them there thanks to the image provided by Jean, Quicksilver managed to quickly collect every particle and they were back almost as quickly as they left. But the teleporter collapsed as soon as they stepped foot in the school building again. Raven ran to pick him up and rush him to the infirmary.

She wasn't quick enough to stop Jean from leaving, though. The girl ran off somewhere and no one could follow her due to Onslaught's control on them. Even Quicksilver had been visibly bruised from picking up the powerful pieces of his father.

"Ah, finally," Charles declared as he admired his prized possession. With Erik Lehnsherr in his team nothing could stop him. "Now it's only a matter of time until we will rule the world together." Of course he'd control him if it was necessary.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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