chapter 10

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"How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
For you I have to risk it all..." (sam smith, writing's on the wall)

Erik and Charles were laying in bed together and enjoying the morning as it was a sunday, which meant they both had nothing planned for the rest of the day. Erik had even decided to not get up early for his exercise, but to sleep in for once, although he was already awake now and watching Charles, who was wrapped tightly in his arms and still sleeping peacefully.

While he proceeded to wake up his lover by gently kissing him, someone else got ahead of him by storming in the room and screaming frantically. What started as a perfect morning, was about to go downhill very soon.

"You have to come with me, NOW!" Raven exclaimed, while she put a hand in front of her eyes in order to avoid looking at her brother's very exposed naked chest. "Peter's gone and Jean's acting out!" Charles had just opened his eyes in confusion and wasn't exactly sure what was going on, so he just looked around.

Erik on the other hand had already quickly left the bed at the mention of his son and was putting on his clothes. "You could've warned me," Raven commented, while turning around with an annoyed look on her face.

"Nothing you haven't seen, right?" Erik remarked unbothered, to which Raven only rolled her eyes, while Charles finally chimed into the conversation. "Hold on. Why don't you explain to us what exactly happened first?" He grabbed his shirt and some other stuff from the floor, while

Erik nodded. "I agree. Especially the part about my son. Has he done something reckless and stupid again?"

"I'm afraid it's more serious than that," the shapeshifter said, while she mentally prepared herself for Erik's wrath. "Nobody knows what's going on with Jean. She called herself the 'dark phoenix' and after destroying part of the school, she... she took Peter with her. I don't know where or why." She gave the metal bender a sympathetic look. "I'm really sorry."

"How could you let this happen?! You-" Erik shouted at her in anger, but Charles interrupted him, before he could say anything else. "Raven, let us speak for a moment, will you?" When she was about to protest, Charles talked to her via her thoughts.

I need to be there for him right now, because Peter's the only family he has left. I'm sure everybody can wait a couple more minutes. Besides, nobody wants Erik to be in the state of mind he is in right now. Unless you want this place to be completely wrecked. With this she finally agreed to leave. "Don't take too long."

She's right. Your son's with me. And the only thing I want you to do is to come to me without any weapons. Alone. And as soon as possible. If you fail to do as I say, I will not hesitate to kill him. Erik suddenly heard Jean's voice in his head. "I have to go," he said immediately, but Charles held him in place by using his psychic abilities and refused to let him go.

"Back off right now, Charles or-" he snarled, ready to fight him if he had to.

"Erik, please think about this. It's clearly a trap," the telepath said using his soft voice and tried to calm him down. He was able to listen into his thoughts and therefore knew what Jean had told him. Normally he refused to use his powers to restrict someone's free will, but he didn't want Erik to die and he stood no chance against her. "You don't know what you're up against."

"Do you, Charles?" Erik asked rather rhetorically than seriously, because he assumed Charles didn't know what was happening to Jean either, but the other man seemed to suspiciously avert his gaze. He never did that, unless he had something to hide.

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