chapter 1

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• English is not my first language (I'm sorry for all the mistakes in advance, but I tried my best)
• this fanfic focuses mainly on Cherik and their dynamic, other characters are only mentioned briefly (e.g. Raven, Peter, Hank)
• it's mostly a lot of drama (there's not a lot of superhero action)                                                            • some little parts from the films are changed, so it's not entirely accurate to the films            • I published it once already but never actually finished it - now I decided to do so

I hope you enjoy it!

"I always thought it was sad
The way we act like strangers
After all that we had
We act like we had never met...." (the xx, sunset)

Quicksilver gathered up enough courage to enter the room, in which the professor was sitting at his desk looking over some documents, and Charles knew exactly what he wanted to talk about, so he looked up unsurprised and put the papers away.

"Professor?" the boy asked. He was clearly distressed and his thoughts were running even faster through his mind than usually, because he had been thinking a lot about his father recently. He had once again seen Erik betraying and abandoning everyone, including him, during the so-called Apocalypse. To this day everyone in the school kept calling him 'evil' and people were afraid of him, telling all kinds of stories. The common narrative was Erik as the bad guy. Even his mother advised him to stay away from him - and she was probably right, since he almost got his own son killed then and there. Now the young man didn't really know what to think about it as his thoughts resulted in a dilemma, because although he was glad that his father was alive and that he could possibly meet and get to know him, he was also talking about Erik Lehnsherr - probably the least person you would want to be your long lost father.

"Come in. Sit down, Peter. How can I help you?" Charles said to encourage the boy. Peter wanted to know more about Erik and Charles was the only one who never gave up hope that he was worth saving, despite everything that he had done. 'Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn't mean they're lost forever' had always been his belief.

Peter also tried to talk about him with Raven in advance, but she was pretty uncooperative and seemed to have some weird unresolved tension as regards Erik, so he really didn't want to mess with that. Besides, Raven wasn't that fun to talk to either, because she seemed a little strict and judgemental at times.

"I hoped you might tell me a little about my father," Peter answered. "Because I... I don't know- I'm not sure whether I can see past what he did. I mean, how can anyone justify his actions?" He was stuttering a bit, so it was impossible not to notice the uncertainty in his voice.

Charles had already known that of course, because it was common practice for him to enter the minds of his students, but Peter's quick thoughts were quite confusing, especially those about Raven. She was Charles' sister after all and he had always been disturbed by her relationship with Erik. Therefore he was glad that she decided to stay with him in the mansion, freeing herself from Erik's negative influence and finally becoming her own person.

Anyway, Erik was all the boy thought about recently and Charles wanted to help him, altough it wasn't a particularly easy topic for Charles to talk about considering that Erik killed thousands of humans, put all mutants in great danger and in the end left him again. Charles wondered whether he would be able to stay on the right path for a longer period of time than usually, but he doubted it. Not because he believed Magneto was unable to change, but for now he simply refused to. So he was preparing himself for another possible strike from his frenemy, since peace never seemed to last long.

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