A sleeepover at the elf princes house.

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The date is 3rd of December 2021.
The time is 11:32(at night)
Location:Rivendelle (Prince Scott's room)
Since Jimmy was now Scott's "fiancé" he is staying the night at Rivendelle Scott didn't want to stay in Jimmy's (soon) to be cod empire because it looks
'Ugly" (in my au Lizzie (for now) rules over the cod empire and ocean empire)

It was kinda late to Jimmy's liking but he didn't say anything,

"So what do you wanna do codboy?" Scott asked Jimmy,
"First of all its codfather to you. Second of all it's almost 12 at night what on earth could we possibly do?"Jimmy asked leaning back on his side of Scott's
Massive bed.
"Well I mean we could watch  a movie?" Asked the elf prince.
"Ok what movie?" Jimmy asked,
"Titanic ig?" (Creator: oh I don't f-cking know😭)
"Sure"replied the shorter blonde and with that they just started watching the movie
Eventually jimmy fell asleep on Scott.. his arms around his stomach and waist.. his head on his shoulder..
Scott didn't know what to do so he just put his arms around the shorter blonde aswell..
Scott did know he would be regretting this tommorow morning, but for now it was just him Jimmy and the titanic movie that was still playing-

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