Trade with gem and checking on the cod empire :)

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Hello so sorry about that little break but I'm back and ready!
I also had a dream were I met Philza Minecraft 😃.
I woke up feeling light headed, mostly because I had a headache the night before maybe because I'm just sick.
(Jimmys pov btw)
I woke up next to Scott again the usual, I had to go do a trade with gem of the crystal cliffs, I really hope whip and sausage aren't there.
But from rest I went to go check on Olivia, she was fast asleep which I guess was ok enough.
"Hey jimmy!"  Xornoth  said  when I came downstairs, "hey man, I gotta go do a trade with gem, can you mind Olivia for me until Scott wakes up?" I asked getting my elytra on,
"Sure, also you should be going quick, gem hates when people are late to trades or meetings."said the purple haired elf.
"Oh sh-t, yeah thanks for reminding me!" I say flying off,
The rest of the flight was silent. Lucky enough for me the crystal cliffs wasn't that far away from rivendale, I was also gonna go check on the cod empire to make sure it was okay.
(At the crystal cliffs)
"Hey gem!"I say walking up to her school which she was currently building.
"Oh hi jimmy!" Replied the ginger dear-elf hybrid,
"Sorry I'm a bit late my elytra broke while I was in the sky" i said
"Oh no it's fine, I had to finish building  anyways so your lucky"

(After the trade and some talking about what's going on at their empires + rivendale)
"Bye gem!"
" bye jimmy!"
"Well that went better then expected"I mumbled,
"None to check on the cod empire,"
"Ok yeah that's fine the cod empire seems to be in normal working order nothing wrong with the slime farms, Lizzie has been taking care of it," I can't see Lizzie today since she's in a date with Joel.. oh well,

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