The end as we know it..(final chapter)

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"Jimmy" I hear Scott yell from across the house,
"Come here."Scott replied,
That icy cold voice always sent shivers down my spine..
"Jimmy I'm sorry."
"What do you mean....?"
"Listen I know that it's been arranged marriage, I had feelings for you.. but I was to sturborn to realise it."
"Xornoth went missing a couple days ago now he's came back..corrupted."
"Jimmy I'm doing this for you and Olivia, keep her safe,"
"I've been researching how to get rid of xornoth and I have my answer.."
"I'm sorry Jimmy. This is how it ends."
And with that Scott stabbed himself with the blade in his hand.

" I loved you two.."

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"It was an arranged marriage.." nothing else..|flower husbands arranged marriageTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang