An heir to our future throne,

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It's my birthday in 19 days yay.
24th December 2021
Time: 08:43
Once jimmy woke up he went to get something to wear and then Scott pulled him back onto the bed.
"Scott I'm hungry let me go"Jimmy screamed as Scott pinned him down to the bed,
"Hmm no I don't think I will darling.." Scott said with a yawn,
"Oh f-ck you!"Jimmy screamed,
"Jimmy, we are still enemies, and we're not even married yet so no thanks,"
"N-NOT LIKE T-THAT!"Jimmy screamed blushing,
" Good morning boys," said xornoth greeting them as they sat down.
This was honestly awkward even tho he has to get used to it if he's going to marry Prince Scott major,
"Good morning?.."Jimmy honestly questioned why he chose to sleepover at Scott's,
"Well as you two know in 2 months you will get married, but mine and Scott's advisors have questioned how we will get an heir
To the throne.." xornoth said, tho scott and Jimmy both knew even if they won't get an heir they would still have to be married to eachother.
"And Scott wipe that grin of yours off your face, all of us know Jimmy's a boy so he can't get pregnant."
"So don't get any ...weird.. ideas."xornoth said with a disgusted look on his face staring at Scott,
This didn't do anything but give Scott an even bigger grin.
"Awhh but brother all of us know it will happen one day~"
"Beside if I'm marrying Jimmy, I can't even get any fun..out of him"scott said he was so calm it scared Jimmy.
At this point Jimmy had burried his whole head in his hands he was a flustered mess,
Jimmy wasn't uncomfortable..but it just felt weird talking about this, I mean yes Jimmy knows one day him and
Scott will do "it" but for now let's keep that a secret.
Xornoth saw Jimmy and knew that he wasn't willing to talk about this,
"Alright- back to the heir  thing scott.."xornoth said calmly
'Thanks.."Jimmy shot Xornoth a whisper,
"No problem,"
"Adoption exists tho?"Said Scott,
"Yes I told my advisors that but they said it needs to be royal blood."xornoth said while thinking about the solution,
"I guess maybe Aoer, could send you child of both your blood?"xornoth suggested.
"What does that mean?" Jimmy asked pretty confused,
"Oh, so sorry Jimmy I forgot to mention, gay rulers in the past have received children's there own looks and blood  just on their doorstep,
So us people from Rivendelle believe that it could be Aoer.

Well you learn something new everyday,

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