Chapter 1

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Another Day

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Another Day

The day was ordinary, nothing unusual. It wasn't an important day or one that didn't mattered, but it was a day that was the same as any other for a girl. Watch some TV, sleep, do homework, shower, then go to school. A small tidy schedule, one not very unique but not completely boring either, it somehow stayed in the middle. Being mild. This was how the life of Anna went, a simple equation. A normal run of the mill girl with a ordinary life. It might haven't been the most ideal life but it wasn't the worst life either so who was she to complain. She really couldn't complain about it, she knew what she was gonna do day to day as her life was just existing normal routine, waiting for the next day to start.

Upon looking forward, a girl's head could be seen poking out of her lavender colors. Lost in a sea of violets and pastel purples, heavily breathing with her chest rising and falling steadily before it was interrupted by stomping noises.

" Anna!!!" A feminine voice called before opening the door, " Wake up. It's 7:00 a.m, you overslept again!!" Struggling to open one eye open, the girl croaked out and confusion, " Huh?"

" Get up before the bus comes. I'm not driving you to school again, if you miss the bus then you're walking." The woman said stubbornly, huffing heavily then making her way back to the kitchen. The girl sat there, staring at the spot her mother was before processing what she said. 'Bus?' Sitting in her bed, the girl rubbed the crust out of her eyes before hearing engines outside her window stop before driving off. Did she miss the bus just now? She did. Does she hear her mother screaming from downstairs? Yes, she does. ' Good job Anna. You deserve an award.' Anna thought, scrunching her eyebrows up.

Getting up Anna rushed toward her bathroom, grabbing some clothes along the way. In a panic state, she grabbed her toothbrush and some toothpaste to brush her teeth at a quick pace. After finishing she brought out her hairbrush to brush the tangles out. Whining a few times and letting some tears fall, she finally finished. Taking the pants she put them on while simultaneously throwing a large hoodie on before rushing out the house with an orange in her hand. School was 10-20 minutes away from her car so running was her only option. She could probably make it before first period even begins, at least she hope she could.

" Why do all the bad things happen to me?" Anna questioned to nobody before hitting a sharp turn. When she did, an old lady fell onto the ground harshly. Catching her glasses, Anna looked down at the old lady with anxiety before apologizing about to run down the busy street. She wanted to stay but the look the lady was giving her seemed as if she would kill her. Cars zoomed passed them on the busy highway before them, causing more anxiety to swell up in the younger girl. Seeing the slight fear the old lady got up and accidentally stumbled into her, moving her into traffic. Falling harshly, the girl with blurry eyes tried to feel around before her glasses fearfully before grabbing it. Hurriedly placing it on her face she looked up to be faced with a truck five feet ahead of her.

"Ahh shii-"



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Story facts:

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Story facts:

Anna's mother was worried when she got a call from the school informing her of Anna's absence.

The 'old' lady was a scammer.

Anna wanted to finish "Monster" since Johan was one of her favorite anime characters.

Anna is 17 years old.

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