Chapter 5

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Dark Eyes

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Dark Eyes

An uneventful week has passed in the Sano house; not much has happened after the incident. Since moving here, Izana has become much more careful around Mikey. What he experienced that day made him uncomfortable around the younger boy. Never in his life had he experienced such a difference in strength between him and someone else. Usually, it was him who was always on the top, but what happened the week before, shook the light blond to the core.

It was as if something "inhuman" took control of the boy, a monster who lacked no emotion or regard for his say. It was terrifying, the amount of control the youngest male Sano had over him that he almost broke into cold shivers.

Diverging from that thought; as if hearing his mentioning—the boy came into the kitchen.

Walking in briskly, but sluggishly, the male yawned into the early morning air. Tasting the coldness that befell the early morning. " Hmm?" He questioned, opening his crusted eyes more, it strained his sight to a foggy shade before clearing up. With the new improvement to his sight and blinking away the bitter evidence of the morning, his dark eyes laid against a familiar boy in the kitchen. Perking up in an excited daze to slake his satisfaction of seeing the boy, he spoke. Breaking the tense silence. "Oh...hey Izana-nii!" The boy greeted enthusiastically to his new brother. The greeting left a bitter taste in the older's mouth, humming back quietly but a bit fearfully. Ever since that incident, the eleven year old had been pretending nothing had happened. Although, by doing placed the Filipino in an odd position. It was refreshing on one spectrum because he did not like to be reminded of the power trip Mikey had over him but it was also....unsettling, to say the least, on the other spectrum.

But beside it being unsettling it also made the male angry. There was Anna's half in him that was afraid of their new found brother, but there was also Izana's half. To be put down by his enemy so easily made the boy a little angry but not angry enough to burst out...just yet.

Sensing his own upcoming tantrum, the male attempts to turn around, trying to leave the kitchen. Unfortunately for the Kurokawa, he was dragged back by a smaller hand. " Hey where are you going? I thought we were gonna have some quality time together? Neh neh, Izana-nii?" Mikey asked, smirking up to the taller teen mockingly. Izana knew he was up to something but didn't know what. As if God heard his question, an answer was given to the boy. Shinichiro walked in, hair down—not in the usual gelled up form. Swishing side to side as his long strides made its way to his younger brothers. Shinichiro smiled down as he began to talk after hearing the suggestion between the two from the other room.

" Maybe you could show him around to that shrine you and your friends hang out around."Shinichiro excitedly suggested, making the blond frowned a bit. He did not want his brother to meet his friends, he already felt like the boy didn't pay adequate attention to him already, so why would he divide his attention up so more to other...annoyances.

" But Shin-nii!" He whined, dragging out the last vowel of his name unpleasantly, but stop due to the pointed look he received from his older brother. Finally accepting the lost battle he ensued, Mikey nodded his head earning a head pat form the older boy who was smiling down.

Although it made the other boy sad, hearing the suggestion made the tan boy smile, meeting Mikey was.....disappointing and unpleasant but now he has the chance to meet his other favorite characters. He would not let his brother ruin the moment, this could be life changing and if he could get into their friend group, then help Takemichi.

Unlike some, he always loved Takemichi's character. Although he wasn't strong, even in the slightest, he made up for it mentally. He was mentally strong and determine while Mikey, his ex-favorite character, was the exact opposite. That's why they made the perfect duo, completed each other until they made one.

" I'm fine with that," Izana finally answered. Hearing this, Shinichiro clapped happily while the other boy holding his arm tighten his grip making Izana yelp. Wincing at the unnatural strength and acknowledging the bruise that would be upon his arm in a few hours, he still smiled. He wasn't gonna let Mikey's actions down his fair mood today. From the past few days of living here, the male next to him kept castigating him when he did something bad. he hated to think he was almost getting used to the frequent bruising and scratches from the younger kid. The pain he experienced from the boy the past few days, still made him cringe even when he was almost used to it. If it had been a month prior, he would think it was ridiculous to be physically abused by boy that's three years younger than him but now he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

 If it had been a month prior, he would think it was ridiculous to be physically abused by boy that's three years younger than him but now he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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