Chapter 3

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Beach Blond Hair

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Beach Blond Hair

The motorcycle ride was short taking an estimated time of 15-20 minutes. The younger boy on the back couldn't help but smile at the wind blowing through his white hair. ' Who wouldn't be happy to be a part of their favorite Anime!' Anna thought, squeezing securely around the older male. Taking the gentle squeeze as a signal to slow down, Shinichiro rode slower before announcing to his little brother the destination. " We should be there any minute now, it should take around three more minutes. Then you can finally meet Manjiro and see Emma again." Shinichiro smiled before focusing his eyes back on the deserted road.

' Oh right, he's talking about Manjiro again.'

When Anna thought this it left her shocked. She never hated Mikey. He was actually one of her favorite characters in the show so why did she think so bitterly of him right now. Getting her thought cut off, the motorcycle slowed down to a stop. What stood before the two was a big traditional dojo, Japanese writing inscribed on the sign of it. It had green and black highlights with light wooden floors, making it seem bigger. Connected to the dojo there was a extension, Anna could have only assume it was where the family lived. Getting off the bike, Shinichiro gestures toward the boy to walk ahead. By doing so, a nervous feeling swelled. Was Anna ready to meet Manjiro? Could she even live with him?

Walking further on the path on the side of the dojo, both boys made it to the shoji doors, loud noises could be heard inside. Chuckling at the boy's nervousness, Shinichiro called out.

" Emma!! Manjiro!! I have a very special guest for you!"

Hearing the call, the two blond kids inside pattered their way to the door excited. Almost stumbling on each other. Hurriedly opening the door, the two were welcomed to a beautiful boy three or four years older then them. His long wavy white hair perfectly framed his face as his long white lashes looked like dews upon an horizon. His peach colored lips were full and plump, giving his face a feminine feel which suited him. Purple eyes shown down upon the small children in-front of him. Observing the two kids, Izana saw his sister and his new brother. The disgust that shown on his face for a split second wasn't missed by the younger boy as it snapped him out of his awestruck daze.

' What a let down.' Mikey pouted, thinking the boy was just a pretty face with a mean personality. He should've known about people like him, they only suck up to his brother to get something. Clearing his throat, Shinichiro caught the three kids attention before moving his hands to push the tan boy forward. " This is Izana, you're new brother."

" Brother!?"

" Izana-nii!!" Emma rushed forward clinging onto the older boy, rubbing her face on his lower region of his shirt. Tears sprung out as she received confirmation that this guest was her brother, her brother who made a promised to her. ' He really did care.' Being taken aback, Izana steadied himself before hesitantly before awkwardly rubbing the younger girl's back. ' Izana did promise Emma something.' He thought looking down at the crying girl, the two other boys stood off to the side shocked. She never showed that much emotion when they first met her, she was closed off for a year or two, it took time for her to be comfortable with them.

A smile graced the small girl's face, a stark contrast to the tears that were present. " You came back!" She repeated two more times while hugging the male tightly, looking into his orchid eyes. As if she was waiting for him to do something. Acting quickly, Izana threw his hand over the girls' head, rubbing it almost in an affectionate manner. " I know....I'm back for good this time. I'm not ever gonna leave you again." The white haired boy said while sweat dripped from his face nervously. It felt like he was lost in a dessert storm with the tension this situation built. Who knew being Izana would be this hard. It was almost frustrating.

' I hope that was something the original Izana would have said to her.'

Breaking the mood, the blond boy gripped the boy's arm before forcibly pulling him away from the girl. He would have trip when pulled if it wasn't for this body's fast reflexes. Steadying himself, the older boy glared at the younger, veins almost popping form his now widened eyes. ' This brat!'

" Hey now, let's all calm down." Shinichiro intervene before the two new brothers could fight. He's seen that look before on Izana when another orphan kid tried to talk to him. Let's say, the kid was moved to another orphanage after having mysterious injuries appear on him. " Besides I'm sure Grandpa would like to meet his long lost grandson." Shinichiro said enthusiastically, emphasizing the long lost grandson part. Moving his glare from the boy, Mikey made his way back into the dojo hall leaving the three bewildered of his sudden disappearance.

Blushing red, the boy held his face. The eleven year old never felt this way in his life, the pounding of his heart for the older boy made him almost crazy. He felt these feeling weren't natural, it was his 'brother' for god's sake, so why did he feel this attraction. Looking down at his feet the blond made his way to his room, jumping on his bed.

"His skin was so smooth and soft; almost like a girls'."


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
A Familiar Body [ Yandere Various TR ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن