Chapter 4

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Anna will be preferred to as Izana and his pronouns from this point on.

Anna will be preferred to as Izana and his pronouns from this point on

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Keeping up the pace, Izana made his way through the dojo to the Kitchen. Its been a few minutes since Mikey ran off, which was good in Izana's opinion, since he pushed him at their meeting. The boy couldn't have been happier with the younger boy gone. He was weird, ugly, and annoying, maybe it was for the best for his absence. Travelling his eyes across the room, the boy consciously made effort to follow Shinichiro for the house tour— an idea proposed by the black-haired himself. The kitchen was simple in a traditional sense, wooden boards laid the whole design; creating a pop with the kitchen as it complimented the mellow colors, delivering a homey field.

Izana never seen anything so traditional as this, maybe it was because he was initially from America? —or maybe it was because he was from the future? Going pass that thought, he made sure to keep up with his brother. They were almost done, just one more room. Leading the younger outside, the older went up to a small garage-like building before stopping.

" And this place is my room, decorated it myself." Shinichiro said proudly, looking down at the little boy's face. Expecting to see excitement like how Mikey was when he first moved into the building. Even through his excitement, Mikey was a little sad since his brother moved out of their shared room but to see how cool the building he's in, outweighed his sadness by far. Seeing no reaction from the tan skinned boy, the gang leader sulked. Was it always so hard to impress him? He couldn't tell.

After sulking a bit, the male let the younger into his room. Motorcycle parts littered the room messily, giving the room a messy but clean vibe. There were the occasional here and there mess but it wasn't dirty to the point of it being nasty. There was a faint smell of gasoline and car oil in the air, not much of a stark contrast to Shinichiro's natural scent of pinewood and coal. The smells got stronger the longer you stayed in the room, mixing even , making a pleasant scent that wasn't too overwhelming.

" Ah...Sorry. Didn't have much of a chance to clean up," although the apology didn't sound too sincere, the dork-ish expression paired with the slight rubbing of his head conveyed his apology more apologetically. Nodding his head, Izana scanned the room. Almost eagerly. Was it because this was the room Mikey/Shinichiro had in the show before Izan-his arc? Maybe.

Speaking of- " Where is my room gonna be Shin-nii?"

Almost as if wind got caught in his throat, the taller male began to cough. The noise almost sounded like he choked on a gallon of sand. Thinking quickly and grabbing a bottle that was on the bed next to him. Izana rushed forward to give the male the water inside it. Gulping harshly, and quite loudly, the male wiped his face with the underside of his pale wrist. Eyes red with tears. " Sorry I forgot about that arrangement." Shinichiro coughed out.

" Grandpa wouldn't trust me to take care of you out here and Emma's a girl so........." Shinichiro trailed off with a nervous smile, remembering what happened when they met previously tens of minutes ago. The white haired boy snarled, ' There's no way I'm sharing a room with the blond brat!'

" I'll sleep on the couch!"

He said hurriedly, even if Anna simper for him before she transmigration, he's her brother now so all feelings vanished. She has already made amends that she's Izana now, there might be a way to get back when Takemichi first time leaps but right now, she has years to wait for that.

" No can do buddy. You might get me in trouble with Gramps." The older male said in a hushed quiet voice, afraid of the older Sano hearing him. 'great this couldn't get worst.' The silver head male thought, face dropping from a panic look to a neutral one.

" So you're sleeping with me." Mikey said as a statement, smirking at the older male in triumph. Both were standing in front of his door to his [ Mikey's] room. Gritting his teeth, the fourteen year old male forced a smile while glaring viciously at the smaller blond. Letting him in, Mikey 'accidentally' tripped him, making the Filipino boy stumble. Luckily, he caught himself before his face could kiss the floor. Pale skinned corners crinkled up into a smile before a hand covered it. Body shaking as it tried to contain its laugh, who wouldn't laugh after seeing such a close save. Hearing this, white hair dance furiously in the air of the room as a head was turned.


The impact was loud, almost deafening in the medium-sized room. Red blossomed on the blond's cheeks as his hallow eyes stared forward. As if color was a friend to pain, the stinging began to swell on the boy's face, shocking both boys in the room.

" I-I'm sorry Manjiro, I-uh..Uhm-

Being cut off by a second impact in the room, the Filipino male was thrown until his back hits the wall. Bringing a more intense pain then the first, blood trickled down from the reopened wound on the male's head. Grabbing his face, Izana's head was forced upwards in such a way his head could've popped off like Lego men's'. Opening his squinted eyes, purple met white pupils. The color was such a contrast to the usual navy-black of the younger's eyes that it made his heart skip a beat in fear.

" Don't ever do that again."


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