Where Happiness Lies

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In Yato's dream, the well-known god was sitting at a table giving autographs, with Yukine at his side as his bodyguard, with a huge crowd of female worshippers lined up at the table for autographs and handshakes from their favorite god. A worshipper hands him a five-yen coin.

Female Worshipper: Yato-sama, please do the thing.

Yato takes the coin and does his signature pose with it.

Yato: May our fates intertwine.

Awestruck, the women begin taking pictures. Later, Yato and Yukine were in a limousine driving through town with six shrine maidens. Yato finishes downing a cup of saké.

Yato: Nothing beats a good cup of saké after a long day of work!

A shrine maiden looks out the window to the many worshippers outside.

Shrine Maiden 1: Just look at all your worshippers, Yato-sama! See? Just look at all the Yatoites!

Yato: At last, the times have caught up with me... How empty it feels have your ambition fulfilled. Only someone who stands at the very top can understand this loneliness! It chills my heart...

Shrine Maidens: Yato-sama...

Yato: Oh, won't someone early my glass heart?

Shrine Maiden 1: Please allow me!

Shrine Maiden 2: No, me!

Then all of the shrine maidens jumped and embraced Yato, who laughed.


Back in reality, Yato was talking aloud in his sleep.

Yato: Taking it easy, take it easy... There's plenty of me to go around.

Yukine: Shut up!

Yukine kicks the sleep talking god, sending him rolling down the shrine stairs and hitting his head on a rock.


Later in the morning at (YN)'s apartment, the phantom siblings were sitting at the table eating breakfast.

Sokomi: This is great. You make the best food, Kurumi-neechan.

Kurumi: Thanks, Sokomi. Itami's cooking is just as good.

Itami: I say our cooking is about the same. We did learn from (YN)-sama after all.

Sokomi: Really? Then who taught Onii-chan to cook?

Kurumi: He learned from a lot great chefs from different eras and made different recipes from other countries.

Sokomi: Wow. Onii-chan is even more amazing than I thought.

Katami: It would be a lot better if Aniki was here to eat with us. Is he still sleeping?

Just then, (YN) comes out his room with Tanomi.

(YN): Morning, everyone...

Kurumi, Itami, Sokomi, & Katami: Morning.

Tanomi lets out a good morning bark and received head scratches from Kurumi and Itami, then goes to his food bowl to eat. I walk up to the table and rub Sokomi and Katami on their heads while they were eating.

(YN): So what were you talking about last night with your sisters?

Katami: A lot. They were telling us about our abilities, you and the type of work you do.

The Stray God and the Phantom GodWhere stories live. Discover now