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Liana's POV

It's already the next day and we were sitting in the cafeteria at the cheer table and eating

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It's already the next day and we were sitting in the cafeteria at the cheer table and eating. Everyone seemed to enjoy the presence of the zombies. Well everyone except Bucky and the Aceys.

I didn't like how they changed their minds about them just because of one game but it is a nice change.

I was talking to Bree when suddenly Addison got up happily and started walking towards the zombies but Bucky stopped her.

"You're either pro-cheerleader or pro-zombie. Decide now." He said annoyed "wait what? You don't know how hard...." Addison started but Bucky cut her off. "What's it gonna be?" He asked annoyed yet again. 

I was to focused on what going on between them that I didn't listen to what Bree was saying. "I... I wanna be a cheerleader. It's all I ever wanted.." she said sadly. "Good" he said as he walked away. Addison looked at me and I gave her an 'are you ok?' Look and she just nodded.

"Addison" zed said waving her over with a big smile but she just turned around and walked out. "I'll be right back" I told Bree "oh okay" she said and I got up. "What the heck is wrong with you Bucky!" I said angrily while walking up to his table.

"Not now cuz" he said annoyed "yes now! What did you say to Addy?!" I asked in an angry and annoyed tone while glaring at him. "Same thing I'm going to tell you. You're either pro-cheerleader or pro-zombie" he said as the Aceys gave me a side eye.

"You seriously want me to decide?!" I asked "yes! So what's it going to be?" "Nothing. I've always wanted to be a cheer leader but I'm not going to go against the zombies just because you want me to! Im not letting you control me like everyone else" I told him and then walked away before he could say anything.

I walked back to the table and sat down next to Bree again. "What was that?" She asked confused "oh nothing just Bucky being an annoying brat" I said and she laughed a bit. I turned to his table and glared at him before returning  my attention back to Bree.

After lunch we had one class and then we made our way to the football field for the game. I walked over to addy and put my arm around her shoulders. "You okay?" I asked her "yeah.... I guess" she answered with a weak smile and I nodded.

I didn't want to push it any further so I didn't. The game started and it was going well. Zed scored and we were supposed to cheer but Bucky glared at us all and didn't let us. Game after game we won but again Bucky didn't let us cheer.

Another few days passed and we now had five wins. Five wins! That's all thanks to zed.

I was in the hallway when I saw Addie with the Aceys behind her and zed in front of her. As she walked past the Aceys pushed her a little so she wouldn't stop to talk. He opened his locker and confetti came out. He saw a note and took it out and read it. A smile on his face after he did.

"Hey there champ" I said nudging his arm with a smile "hi Lia" he smiled back. "So what's it say? The note I mean?" I asked curiously "wouldn't you like to know that" he joked and I fake pouted. "Alright fine... "I sighed in defeat. 

"What happens if Bucky sees us talking? I mean he won't let Addison go near me..." he asked with a sadden look. "Don't worry. If he sees us he won't do anything and if he did I wouldn't care." I started but paused for a moment.

"But about Addie... I don't know right now. I'm working on it" I finished with a smile and he returned it. "What do you mean you wouldn't care what he would do? " he asked curious "well he would probably kick me of the cheer team but hey, let him. I would rather not cheer than not talk to you or the others" I told him and he smiled.

"You sure about that?" He joked and I nodded "obviously, but I gotta head to class so see you later" I said while walking away and he said goodbye as well and walked his separate way.

Later at the game we stood on the side of the field cheering since the mighty shrimp won again. Well more like cheering on the inside but still. It's cheering. Bonzo came up to Addie and me and handed her a note before hugging her and walking away.

"Oouu a note. Who's it from?" I asked curious as I placed my arm around her shoulder and leaned closer to see what the note said.

"Ready to break every rule
in the book?    
Meet me at the barrier 7pm

"You'll get in so much trouble" I said and she looked at me "I'll get in so much trouble" she said with a smirk on her face. "Go have fun! You deserve it!" I told her "you should come with me!" She suggested.

"I don't know if that a great idea Addy. He asked you not me. And it's your first date... I kind of don't want to ruin it" I said unsure "date? It's a date?" She asked excited "yeah?... what'd you think it was?" I asked with a chuckle "I don't know.... But you should come!" She told me.

"I should not. It's you're time to shine okay. You wanted to see him so do it." I told her and she opened her mouth to speak but I cut her of "Without me" I added and she sighed in defeat. 

Later that night I helped her sneak out and get to the barrier safe and sound before I headed back home.


Hey guys:) sorry for not updating in a while I've been really busy with school and other things this week but better late than never. I know I said I would've posted on Saturday last week but I had guests over and didn't have time. So here I am speed writing this lol:)

I hope to post on Saturday again but if not y'all will have to wait until next week:) hope you all enjoyed this and that you all had a great day!<3

Love Emma<3

Word count: 1140

Btw I've started the next chapter but I'm to tired to finish it today so I'll try and finish it tomorrow or on Saturday and if I finish it on Saturday you can except another chapter after that one on the same day! Hopefully lol:)

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