Find a penny,Pick it up.

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Kara's pov

We are now at the little birthday place for Eli . We are putting finishing touches on her fancy tea party. Some of her friends came early already and they're playing together.

Once all the kids came,Lena helped them get situated and talked to the parents a bit.For a few moments, I couldn't help but stare and admire lena. I love seeing Lena in this mother role. All the kids started doing the teacup painting and doing little games. I grabbed lena by her waist as Lena took pictures of the Eli and all her friends . I kissed her cheek and let her go as i went to go talked to Nia.

" Hey Nia!" i said with a smile on my face. She smiled back at me and we both went to go and chat. " So Nia, How are you and Brainy?" She gave a blush on her face and started fiddling with the straw in her hand. "I take it by that look that its going good?"She nodded as she cleared her throat." "So, How are you and Lena? With Eli, you all look like a perfect family." I smiled as i glanced over to see Lena playing with Eli spinning her around. "Yea we are going pretty good! I mean me and Lena are like a open book to one another, plus i've been thinking...."Nia raised her eyebrow.

"I've been thinking about.......proposing to her.."

Nia gave a shocked look which quickly turned into excitement. "OH MY GOD KARA! THATS AMAZING! You have to let me help!!You helped Make Brainy proposing to me so special.You have to let me return the favor."I smiled at her offer and nodded my head. " I would be so grateful if you helped. Nia smiled big and we both looked over as we got called over for outside games.

I sped walk over there and walked with Lena. Lena started rambling about Eli and all i could do was just stand her and admire her.

"Sorry am I talking to much? This is just so exciting to me." I pulled her hand to stop her from walking forward. i c upped her cheeks and kissed her lips. " you know i love when you talk and i agree this is very big my love." I smile as I watch her blush."

We both watch the kids playing with all of them. It was so cute. We brought out a piñata in the shape of a heart and tied a blind fold on eli and gave her a bat.Let's hope that her super strength doesn't kick in now cus that would be bad. She hit it pretty hard that a little bit of candy came out. "Esme's Turn !! Esme turn!!" She stepped up and got the blind fold put on her." Auntie kara can you step back ? I don't want to copy your powers." Kara chuckled and stepped back and grabbed Lena's waist and pulled her very close to her. Eli watched for a little bit but saw something shiny in the ground and decided to go get it.


I watched Esme play for as I could but, I saw something very shiny in the ground. Just like iieu said,

"Find a penny,Pick it up,From then on you'll have good luck."

I picked it up and I put in my pocket. I made my way to walk back to the party when a voice called out to me.

"Little girl.Little girl come here"I turned around to the bush to see some bald man in a suit that looked like my mommies. " Hey little girl, your name is Elizabeth right?" I nodded my head and he smiled and stared dead at me. " Why don't you come with me honey and  I  promise that  we will have all of the games just for you." I smiled big and took his hand.he held me tight and we got into some car.


"Eli all of the candy is ou-" When i turned my back she was gone. "Eli honey where did you go? Don't hide from mommy." I looked around for her but she was gone. I began to panic and my hands started to shaking. My breathing started getting caught in my throat. I rushed over to Kara and pulled her to the side.

"Hey Honey, is everything ok?" i blinked back tears as started choking up." I can't find elizabeth.Kara,she's gone she isn't here." kara's eyes widened. "my love I will find her,I promise." I rushed over to Nia and brainy Alex and Kelly. "Ok i need y'all not to panic." they all looked confused. " Elizabeth... is missing. Lena has searched the whole entire place and no luck. I need y'all to... help me find her." Nia leaned on brainy and her face was in awe.Alex looked like she was starting to get upset and Kelly's arm snaked around Alex waist.

"What do you mean she's gone. like did she wander away." Alex then spoke up. " From what I know from lena. she did wander." They began to keep talking about this and around this time the party is over and people are now leaving.

Lena was crying a bit while sitting down. mascara running a bit nose all red. Esme walked over with cake in her hand. " Auntie lena.. what's wrong?" lena covered her face quickly because she didn't want her niece so see her so broken even though she has just lost her child some where. " Uhm well.. Eli wandered off somewhere and we can't find her." Esmes eyes opened wide and she stood with shock.

"what do you mean gone.?" Lena saw the fear and rage in her eyes acted to calm her down with soothing words. she reassured her that they were gonna make sure to find Eli.

Esme is so much like her mothers so I know she isn't going to be taking this reassuring lightly at all.

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