✩ twenty one

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the next day, talia's entire mood was gloomy. everything she did, it felt like it was just meant to be a bad day for her. to help, neteyam had brought her breakfast in bed, insisting that she 'rest her pretty little head' instead.

then he trained with her, telling jake they could handle it for a day. though she wasn't entirely in the right head space, she put a continued effort into her lessons. it felt like this was the time and place to take out her anger and frustration for what happened yesterday, but unfortunately it was neteyam on the other side of it.

once neteyam had enough being on of the brunt end of her emotions, he called quits on the training for the day. he knew she just needed something to get her mind off lo'ak and ixana, something to remind her how special she is. so with that in mind, he ran with an impromptu plan.

after walking through the forest long enough for their legs to start aching, talia finally asked, "where are we going?"

"the fishing lake, it's just up ahead." he answered, taking her hand in his. she appreciated his gesture and squeezed his hand back, letting him lead her.

and he was right, the fishing spot wasn't too much further as they arrived within the next few minutes.

instead of leading her towards the lake though, he kept walking. talia's face scrunched with confusion, "teyam, we just passed the lake?"

he turned to her with a small grin then stopped his legs from moving any further. she was more than confused as he just stopped them under a bunch of trees by the lake, with a suspicious smile written on his face.

"seriously, what's going on?" she asked, to which neteyam replied with one hand gesture. he pointed up above them towards the overhanging trees that painted their surroundings.

talia followed his motion and looked up, seeing something within the branches and connecting them together. her eyes squinted furthering her confused expression, trying to analyze what it could be in the trees.

neteyam watched her with a growing smile as she tried to figure out what his surprise was. then his excitement became too much and he spoke, "it's a tree house," he regained her attention, "i heard humans do this and thought maybe you would like it?"

he continued, "but it's not done, i was working on it while my dad was training you. i wasn't planning on showing you until it was finished but.."

"this is so thoughtful.." talia held back the forming lump in her throat from the switch of her emotions from confusion to happiness. her feelings became overwhelming and she didn't know what else to say, but she wanted him to know how grateful she was. so before she could form any words of thanks, she pulled neteyam in by the neck and kissed him hard.

admiration | neteyam & lo'ak x ocWhere stories live. Discover now