Chapter two

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Mirabel's school.
     I got to my school everything was just like before nothing has change is not like I'm expecting it to change, is a government school after all and teachers were punishing students that came late, I was able to escape the harsh punishment that teachers were giving to students just  because I'm a senior student.
  I guess that's one of the benefits of being a final year student,  I walked into my classroom.
some students were studying while others are doing one thing or the other. So I walked to my best friend Ella and we exchanged greetings and we even did our girls high five stuff and then I sat on my chair which was besides her own desk. I took out my cellphone and I started looking at davido's pictures  I screw and screw as I admire them even though I have seen them multiple times and then again I took out my ear pics and I plug on the phone and I started listening to his song and then someone tab me and I look is my best friend Ella I paused the music 'what is it? I asked her.

I should be the one asking you that question what are you doing? She asked facing my side.

Ella my friend, davido is having a concert in Lagos on Saturday with other celebrities I said in a cheerful voice.

Yeah I saw it she replied.

Ella I have to go I need to meet him in person I said.

Are you out of your mind we are still writing our w.a. e. c. exam. She thundered.

I'm talking about davido, the baddest who w. a. e. c. help besides w. a. e. c exam ends today right I said waiting for her to concuor with me.

Young lady w. a. e. c ends on Monday said Ella with a lot of confident.

Are you sure ella I asked still not sure so I turn to my back sit girl excuse me when are we finishing our final exam? I asked again.

That should be Monday she said I feel a little disappointed thank you I said and I turn to ella 'well today is Friday Ella I'm leaving for Lagos tomorrow morning then I will be back before Monday after the concert I will take a nite bus I said with a bit of confident.

What about your parents?she asked
My dad went for outside work, my mother is not a problem I answered so intelligently.

Please be careful okay said Ella with a bit of concern as a friend should.

Don't worry my parents and I once lived in Lagos I reassured her of my safety.

So Mirabel did you read cos I will sat beside you said Ella.

I didn't read oh I responded.

Mirabel what's that in your hand she asked touching my hand.

Is fine right see I even wrote on my laps said I in a cheerful note as I smiled as well and I even raise my skirt for her to see the one's on my laps and I later brought it down.

What is wrong with you Mirabel look we all love davido but neglecting your life for him is out of question and you know what this is going to cost you if the invigilator's sees them he might think you're doing expo she said with a lot of concern this time around.

Don't worry he won't find out and even if he finds out they will not kill me so relax and chill I said and then the school bell ring indicating the exam papers has come, every students took their their writing material and left the class room and went to the hall were we are writing our w. a. e. c. exams including my humble self we are only fifty in number those that are writing the west Africa examination council twenty from science class and thirty from art class we were more than fifty when i enrolled into this school I was in b class we were more than hundred student and we have A to c calculate it each class having more than hundred students how did we ended up to fifty that's because is hard to make w.a.e.c in this school. students were afraid of failing but Mirabel is not, I cannot be afraid, we only learn from our failure's

we started writing our paper and of course my best friend was seated beside me and the invigilator two of them, going around the exam hall looking for escape goat I raised my hand.
Yes what is it? one of the invigilator asked.

extra sheet I shouted for him to hear me since he is in the front line.

I thought you didn't read Ella whispered.

Yeah I didn't but they were taught in the class I whispered back.

Come forward and collect it said the invigilator I stood up,  I smoothy my dress and I cat- walked gently to the front sit, student were all looking at me as if I have the exam answer with me I got to the invigilator, he took out extra sheet and then I stretched my hand and collected the paper sheet.

What is this in your hand, so you have been cheating said the invigilator and student all exclaimed in a surprised manner.
Quiet every he commanded and there was totally silent and he was still holding my hand.

. Sir is not what you think it is my little brother's birthday today so I decided to celebrate him by writing his name on my body since I won't make it on time look I half lied to him and I showed him my neck where devido is written I showed him my laps which says: davido I love you I wanted to show him my stomach.

That' s enough I have seen enough fine I understand how it is to have a younger ones  that you need to meet up to their need but this is exam don't play this kind of game with us next time, this place is not a market place okay he scorned me like a ten year old girl.

thank you sir for understand I said finally and went to my sit.

****Wow Mirabel okojie is such a good liar, I never saw it coming Ella said in her mind****

Next day I was already on the bus that was going to Lagos I was on the widow side whenever I'm traveling I love to sit on the widow side and view the mother nature how beautiful God have created the universe with just a spoken word ' let there be' Mirabel get back to the story I love widow sit snd I plug my ear pics on my phone and listen to davido song and then my mind flash to my mother reaction when I told her I' m going to lagos at her bedroom we were seated on the bed.

" Mirabel you don't need to go to Lagos, we are no longer living there she said holding my hand.

I know mom but I still miss our former house don't you worry about me I will be back to today I assured her.

"What if your father returns today what will I say? She asked. Mom the last time I check father said he will be staying for a month and it's already been a week now I said to her.

Okay go I can't believe my little Mirabel has grown into a very beautiful young woman said my mother.

"Thanks mom" I gave her a hug I didn't know why I did that but some how I felt a void inside me and I think i will miss her even though I will still be back today I love you I whispered still hugging her. I love you too she responded.

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