Introduction - A/N

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Hello! I would like to start this story with an introduction to the main characters! I would also like to give a trigger warning for some of the chapters ahead of time. So, TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR : Alcoholism/heavy drinking, ëatîng dïsôrdèrs, mentions of abuse (physical/emotional). If there are any other chapters that may trigger anyone, I promise to give a trigger warning! Now onto the characters.

Iris - 27 - CEO of her company + well known.

Iris - 27 - CEO of her company + well known

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These are kind of what I imagined Iris to look like!! She is a very rich, powerful, and hot woman

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These are kind of what I imagined Iris to look like!! She is a very rich, powerful, and hot woman. She's from Spain and has an accent. She speaks English and Spanish. She, however uses alcohol to cope. She dresses is more masculine than feminine.

Kaino - 25 - Professor (teaches psychology)

Kaino - 25 - Professor (teaches psychology)

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So Kaino HAS blue hair but this is what I imagine her to look like!!! Kaino works at a university as a professor

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So Kaino HAS blue hair but this is what I imagine her to look like!!! Kaino works at a university as a professor. She teaches psychology, and she's very shy until she gets wasted that is; that brings out her wild-side. Lol.

Anyway, those are the main characters. ENJOY MY LOVES!!! <3

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