Part 2

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Kainos POV
"Kaino!" A loud shrill voice yells. I groan and throw a pillow. "Whaaat? I'm trying to sleep!" I say groggily. I turned myself away from the sunlight that was shining through the window. " Kai. Who the hell is this woman?!"

My eyes widened, and suddenly I remembered the woman from last night. "Fuck, Aniyah- what time is it," I ask the girl who is standing over me with a magazine Aniyah is my roommate, I guess you can call her. We share an apartment.

Aniyah stood above me and shoved the magazine in my face. "Dude, answer me! This looks like a very famous lady." she went on. I sighed. "I don't know... I think her name is, Uhm, Iris," I said relaxing. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "What even happened? I thought you were hanging out with Keeran last night. Did she get you drunk?" She asked looking at me.

I looked down at the sheets of my bed. "No. She has been sleeping with Harley. I caught them," I explain to her, as I throw my head back down on the pillow. Her jaw looked like it detached from her skull as she stared at me. "That bitch did what?"

"Mhm. It was our anniversary too. I was upset, so I went to a nightclub," I looked away from her eyes thinking back to the activities from the previous night. "And I saw Iris. And then one thing led to another and you know..." I quickly explained my night to her. She looked at me and then at the paper.

"Iris...what? What's her last name, Kai?" She asked urgently. "I don't know I didn't ask. Why?" I turned around, looking away. "Kai I'm serious. I think you just slept with a fucking billionaire," she said chuckling. I sat up.


"Mmhhm! Iris Alverez," She nodded. "Well who is that, I don't even know what her. I mean...are you even sure it's her?" I asked while my brain processed everything.

"Oh well I don't know, I wasn't the one who was getting hickeys on my neck by her! You tell me, Kai,"

I scoffed, "I was drunk, I don't remember everything. She had dark brown—almost black—hair, deep brown eyes, and, oh Aniyah, her words were like silk. They rolled off her tongue so well." I smiled at the idea of being called 'princesa' again.

"Good God woman, chill," Aniyah snickered. "That sounds exactly like her...was she Spanish? Olive skin?" My smile faded as I thought about Iris, all of Aniyahs features match her. "Yeah," I let out in a whisper.

"OH EM GEE, KAINO!" Aniyah shrieked. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?!" She shook my shoulders back and forth. Perhaps because of this, I thought. "What do I do? I'm in a magazine, on the front cover too!" I grumbled.

Maybe I can go to her place of work. If I knew where that is. "Uhm, what does she do?" I asked Aniyah. "You seriously don't know? Her family owns a major clothing business. It's all over the world! Well, here and in Spain...anyway, yeah!" She said overenthusiastically.

"Should we meet up with her? I don't know, I've never slept with a CEO before," I groaned and pushed my hair back. I need to shower. I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

"I don't know. Do whatever Kai," Ainyah responded blandly. She exited my room and went to the kitchen. That's it then, I'm sure no one saw the thing anyway. I glared over at the magazine laying on my bed. Surely not.

Iris's POV

"Corey, I know I screwed up, can you just chill out? I have it under control," I told my PA as I rubbed my temples. " Ms. Alvarez, please. You are on the front page of a magazine with a girl. Everyone has seen it! Were you drinking again?"

"Well, of course, I was drunk why else would I have fucked a random girl?" I replied bitterly. "I don't even remember who she is or what I was doing there, okay? I just wanted to drink," I said looking up at him.

"Iris. Just look at this, do you remember her name at all?" He scoffed as he questioned me. It's not my problem people take pictures of me. I glared down at the picture of me and this angelic woman I was with last night.

"Well as pretty as she is, no I don't remember her," I shoved the small book back to him. "Fine then. I'll ask Christina," he said. I sighed. "Wait, uh I think her name was, uhm. Kaino!" Mi princesa. Kaino. I smiled as I remembered the girl on who I probably left markings.

"No last name? Whatever, that's enough we will find her and send her over here." He snatched the magazine and left the room in a scurry. I watched the brown-haired man exit the large doors and I leaned back in my chair.

Thinking about what we were going to do made me grimace. I'll have to shut her up in some way, most likely through money. Hush money. I don't want anyone to know about Kaino and me, even if we don't know each other. She needs to remain a stranger. I'm not supposed to be drinking anymore. "God damn it!" I yelled kicking a trashcan.

I groaned and bent down to pick up the pieces of paper that flew out. I heard the phone ring and I picked it up. "Hello?"
"Miss Alvarez, your mother is here," the receptionist says. I mumbled curses in Spanish and rubbed my temples.
"Okay, let her up," I grumbled. She's so going to tell at me how much of a disappointment I am and how much this will affect dads legacy. Fuck him anyway. What-fucking-ever.

"Iris Adela Alvarez! What the hell is this?!" An older voice barged into my office.

"Aye, Mami stop yelling, my head hurts," I wince. Querido Dios. "No! You promised you would stop going out and getting drunk! And now your at a, a club with a random woman? You promised you wouldn't be like him anymore mija!" She sobbed. I clench my mouth shut.

I bend down a bit and hug her. "Mami, i will never be like him. Never again. I promise. I was just...just thinking about everything, it's all so stressful," I explained to her. I'm such a fuck up sometimes.

"Okay, I promise I am getting everything under control, okay? We are giving Kaino some money to help us keep this down." I lean up and kiss her forehead. "I promise I won't fail you like that bastardo,"

"Don't talk like that. And, i suppose I can trust you. I love you mija."

I watch the little old lady who can in here like a firecracker turn to a teddy bear in two minutes. I love her. She's the the reason I'm not dead like my father.

"Miss Alverez! Iris!" I hear Adam, my PA, call from down the hall. "Oh, hello, Mrs. Alverez!" My mom nods and waves with a smile. "Iris, we called her and she will be here tomorrow. We've learned that she is a professor so she can only make it tomorrow, so we need to fix a time," He declares.

I grin at my mom, "Okay, how about 5 pm, cancel anything I have then and after," I order. This will be fine, it will all be cleared up and no one will know. Perfecto.

Please let me know if you need any translations / if I need to fix my Spanish. I greatly appreciate it!! Also thank you for reading and I apologize for the lateness of the publishing, that's my fault. Enjoy!!!

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