Part 6

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IRIS ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★

As the deadline continues to approach, my anxiety levels continue to increase with every minute. We have a lot of dresses made, just not enough. I want every single dress to have something unique about them, because that's how our buyers are. Everyone is unique. Their clothing should be too.

My hands move faster than I realize as I scratch a design down. I am messing up my hair, scrunching the part of it at the top of my head as I draw. I need original pieces too, I do not want them to look like any others, for the most part at least.

I shake my head as an idea comes to me. The idea pauses my entire life around me as it pops into my head; this should've been done before. I call in Adam and wait. He comes in a bit worried, and he sits in front of me.


"How long would it take to remake a few dresses and organize them? How many guests will be there again?"

He shakes his head. "I'm not sure. probably five hours for two, maybe seven and a half hours? And 120 men and women miss"

I nod. "So what we are going to do is have everyone organize dresses into color. I want ten of each color, including two black dresses and two white dresses. I'll alert Mauve and the suit side of things about what we are doing, you tell each department working on this." I signal for him to go and tell other people.

I'll be going to make sure everything is as it should be this evening. My mind settles a little as I stare at the most recent design I made. I know it's good as it is, but I decided to add a few more things to it. I put it in a folder that I'll be giving toy workers tomorrow.


The sun has already started to set as I walk out of the room. I had to help one department that's been training students from the fashion school.

I wore flats today, and my feet still hurt. My whole body is sore actually. Probably from sleeping in a chair, on couches, or not at all. The routine is only going to continue, being tired and still not resting. I need to get out of this place and into a bar.

Sometimes I feel like I have a pretty sucky life because of how I feel, but then I remember I'm wearing diamond jewelry and expensive clothing that all costs more than I would care to explain. I have a lot of good things, I just can't handle them. I wish Dad was still here because then I could've remained at home, just making designs and not being a boss.

I can lead. I am a leader and have been forever, but I don't always want to. I want to sympathize with people, even if I can't. And everyone knows my name and who I am, it's sickening sometimes. I can't even go to a club and have a one-night stand with a very pretty girl without it being photographed and posted as something it's not. I also have to keep Mother happy because she can't handle losing everything they've worked for.

I step out of my car and enter the bar. I've been to this one a few times, I like it because they have singers on a stage in there. I go over and sit on one of the stools, it's in front of the stage, which is surrounded by lights and chairs. It's a very light setting, very calming.


I don't know how much I've drunk at this point, but I know I need more. I'm only slightly buzzed from it, just slightly feeling anything like usual. I hear someone's voice that sounds familiar. I look over at the stage scene and look at the singer. It sounds like the girl that was in Kaino's apartment.

I never saw her, I only heard her. I remember feeling upset that there was another girl there and then feeling upset at myself for caring. She finishes up one song and moves to another. I see one of the bartenders, the one that was serving me, staring at her. I take a long sip as the girl walks up and starts talking to the bartender.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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