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The art above is not mine

Dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner were listening to Zephyr and Nuffink. The kids told them what happend: Ark came and dragons were in danger. They needed to save Hiccup and Astrid. And Ark wants their Dad to control berk and rule the archipelago. 

-So, what are we gonna do? - asked Nuffink?

-I don't know... We could tell Toothhless and he can help us save mom and dad... But then Ark's plan will work, because he wants Toothless. And if he captures us... He can tell Mom and Dad that he'll kill us, if they don't bring him toothless. If he gets Dart, Ruffrunner or Pouncer... 

The nightlights didn't know what to do either...

That's when Toothless came there. Dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner started growling and roaring.

Toothless looked at Zephyr and Nuffink and growled. He had a scared look in his eyes.

- Dad and Mom are captured.  - told Nuffink. He was scared and didn't know what to do.

Ruffrunner tried to comfort him by resting his head on Nuffink's knees, while pouncer was laying next to him and Zephyr was curled up near Dart.

Toothless looked really worried. He found a stick and started drawing something in the sand.

 He found a stick and started drawing something in the sand

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Is that... your plan? - Zephyr asked...

To be continued


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