Chapter One

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Another day in the graveyard, a part time gravekeeper as well as ghost hunting. Its fun talking to the dead, but I have to kill their ghosts and I hate doing so because the dead is what fascinates me. Well, time to go home. Ive exterminated nearly fourty ghosts since the invasion started. I get paid well, and I'm glad. Because the money is what I need. As I arrived home, I heard the door lock by its self.

"Hey, who's there!!" I yelled as I got my shovel out. Terrified, I waved my shovel around, hoping I could hit someone dead, "C-Cmon for fucks sake!"

"Oh, how funny. Its a monster, why did I follow such a monster like you.." Someone giggled. I hate when people call me that. I have been called that all my life due to my albinism, and i wish was dead over it.

"Hey! Speak up dammit!" I yelled as I wacked my shovel around, hitting an invisible figure. Successfully hearing a bang, I shrieked and fell to the floor, scared. "O-Oh God..I hope youre okay! Unless you're a ghost!"

"Shit, that was hard!" Someone groaned. Were they a ghost? If they were, I'm getting my gun out. I need to kill them. I am a ghost exterminator after all! I couldn't see them. I need to kill them.

"Hey, I can't see you but I can hear you! You must be a ghost....I'll kill you now.." I whispered as I got my ghost exterminator gun and held it to the ghost's head

"Look man, I'm not here to harm you. I'm one of those friendly ghosts. Theres like four of us." The ghost sighed. "I'm Norton, I'll explain how I died when we get closer, for now its a secret."

"The scars are a bit obvious, an explosion?" I huffed as I put the gun away and lit a cigar. "Cant really hide anything from me." I was eager to shoot the thing, the ghost, it was a rule I cannot break. Ghosts and humans fought long ago, all because the ghosts just wanted to rest in thier coffins, while the people just wanted them to piss off. Nobody liked ghosts, unless you were a Paranormal Detective like an old friend of mine. He was special, but too bad he was a dick like this ghost is right now.

"Well, molerat, your right. But what kind of explosion?" Norton sighed as he flew around my house. I could feel his spiritual presence and it pisses me off. Molerat to me felt like an insult, and I was not having it. This ghost really is begging for a death wish.

"Don't call me a molerat, one, and two it was most likely some sort of building explosion." I yawned as I huffed out the cigar smoke before the ghost grabbed my shirt tightly and yanked it close to his ghostly, smelly, face. "G-Get away from me!"

"Do I look like a goddamn businessman?" Norton groaned. "I'm not. And I never was, I couldn't afford to work at such high quality places." Well this was easy then, since they looked like a coal miner, and didn't wear a professional outfit

"Ah, my bad then. A miner? Because you made this game way too easy." I laughed a little as I coughed out some cigar smoke. "I was gonna ask if you wanted a cigar but your a ghost, so I cant offer you one."

"Yeah right, I almost made it out of the mines, but I ended up getting crushed by a rock." Norton sighed as his ghostly body sat next to me on the chair "Scariest moment of my life." He explained how there was this giant rock coming for him, and he had no way to escape, simply accepting his fate. "I just accepted death at this point. Nobody could find my body until a year later."

"I can imagine." I worried as I shook his hand. "I wonder if your family is okay now, do they visit your tombstone?" He never answered that, scoffing away. It's tragic how not many visitors come to this graveyard anymore because of how many ghosts appear and haunt their loved ones. They just want to care for them in the afterlife they were given, and make sure their loved ones in the over-world have fun before their time is up

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