Chapter 6

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As we slowly danced, we didn't pay attention until ten minutes before the inspectors came and Norton had to hide in the closet and I had to turn off the music. "Hide dammit! Hide well!" I yelled softly as the inspectors knocked. After an inspection which lasted five minutes, Norton was safe. Thank goodness.

"Phew, shall we dance again?" Norton huffed as he got out of the tight closet. "That closet is tight, I hate being in there...Reminds me of being crushed by rocks.."

"Im sorry about the hiding spot, its the only good one in the house." I frowned as I grabbed his hand and put the phonograph back on and we continued to dance until dinnertime. It was now six pm and we decided to have soup and sandwiches for dinner.

"Gosh today has been fun..I wish to have more tomorrow." Norton sighed. "Just to complete the last nine days on Earth.." Nine days already, feels like I met him when the ghost invasions first began two years ago!

"I really don't want you to go.." I cried as I hugged him tightly, feeling him hold me tightly. "But you have to, and that pains me." Stage one, denial, the denial of losing a loved one is painful. But that's life, and you can't do anything.

"I know, and I don't want to go, but that's just how God and LIfe works." Norton shrugged as he ate his tomato soup peacefully as I just ate a mini sandwich. I didn't really have an appetite for anything, so I just ate a small half of a sandwich.

"You alright? You haven't eaten much.." Norton asked as he offered me a bit of his sandwich. I denied the sandwich, and he ate the sandwich after. I wasn't feeling the best after hearing that news.

"No, I'm fine." I shrugged. "I'm gonna go turn on the phonograph and read a book." I walked off and turned on the phonograph, and read. "It's more of a quiet, sleeping, type of tune from Mozart."

"Alright. I'll be eating my dinner if you need me." Norton smirked as I kissed his cheek, and I instantly got flustered. Gosh why does romance weird me out...It's so weird.

"Gosh you're so gorgeous, Norton..I just want to kiss you.." I danced as I asked Norton to dance with me as I caressed the ghostly man and kissed him gently as he kissed back. It felt ethereal, it felt wonderful. It felt splendid. Just a dance make out session as peaceful music plays. Is this what love and romance is? Dancing with a loved one, feeling cared for and validated? Gosh, I love this feeling...It feels so pure and wholesome.

I wanted to dance with him more, but it was getting late. So we headed to bed and just cuddled the majority of the night. I felt shaky again, dammit. "Please don't leave me like all the others did.." I whispered, weeping. "I just want you here forever."

"I won't, don't worry. I may be a ghost, but I won't ever leave your side.." Norton whispered back as he kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him. I felt so damn safe in his invisible arms.

"I'm sorry if I wake you up, I just get lots of nightmares.." I yawned as I held Norton close to me, snoring softly in his arms, I was almost deep asleep. I was at peace. "I love you."

"Don't be sorry at all, mi amor." Norton smiled as he headed to sleep. We just told each other how much we loved each other as we drifted off into a deep deep slumber. It felt wonderful, it felt spectacular.

"I'm trapped! Trapped in a hole of emptiness, sorrow and despair.."

"I'll die alone, Norton will leave me soon anyways and no one would love a hideous monster like me." As I curled into fetal position I heard someone yell my name

"Andrew! Please, get out of there, I don't want you to suffer any longer!"

Norton...Is that really you? I tried to run but I collapsed as I fell into the ground, sobbing as many hands grabbed me. "I cant make it out, Norton! Just, go.." I yelled as Norton ran in, and carried me out and I collapsed on him. I felt he was shaking too.

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