Chapter Two

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When I woke up, I felt another person next to me, and that was Norton. "G-get off!" I said pushing Norton off my bed, "You don't just freely hop on my bed like that! You've got the attic!"

"Owch! I was just scared okay?!" Norton groaned as he got off my bed and stretched. This is a weird ghost...Anyways I went downstairs to go get myself some breakfast and saw Norton put on some music and dance with himself. He's getting himself comfortable here but I cant have that, my life and his undead life will be in danger!

"Don't get too comfortable here, I don't want you to risk your life." I insisted as I made myself tea and read the local newspaper. Hmm, nothing too special. That inventor just made a new life changing invention so that's not too surprising considering he's full of ideas all the time.

"I won't get too comfortable, don't worry." Norton smiled. "Say, why don't we just explore around town. The ghost hunters aren't around until noon."

"You sure?" I wondered. I was a ghost hunter, they always had people disguised as normal people. "There's people who could potentially be disguised as normal people, but really, ghost hunters."

"Yeah, my friend knows their schedules." Norton replied as he lightly pat my back. Feeling a ghost pat my back is weird, but funny. After I finished the dishes, we decided to head out and walk around town. Hopefully Norton does not get caught .If he does, I have to exterminate him myself.

"Oooh, some nice clothing! You should go check it out..." Norton whispered. "I'll hide somewhere while you go find something you want!" I agreed, we both agreed, shook hands, and nodded.

"That's what I was planning, now hide." I scolded as I entered the shop. The shop gave me a very interesting vibe, and I really liked a lot of the clothing here, but I couldnt take it all. So, I took about 200 pounds worth of stuff, that I know damn well I'll wear around town. This clothing will not go to waste. I needed new clothing anyways.

"Woah, you gotta show me what you got Andrew, that stuff looks real cool!" Norton gasped as he followed me to a cafe. I kept shushing him, but he wouldnt listen until I gave a really angry stare. "Sorry, I'll try to stay quiet!"

"Yeah, please, I dont want you to get killed." I whispered. "Now, I'm gonna get some lunch. Just, head back home okay? I dont want you to risk your damn life."

"Fine, I'll do that then." Norton huffed as he flew back to my house. It wasn't that far of a walk since this is a small town. I decided to order a cup of coffee and just relax for an hour, with plenty of time to spare. I just hope Norton is doing alright. He worries me a lot, this invasion is really stressing him out. I just know it..

"Care for more coffee, sir?" The waitress asked as I smiled, greeting her with a wave, and she did so back, "Three sugars and two creamers right?" She got the things right! I'm a regular at this diner, so I'm not surprised.

"That would be great, thank you." I smiled as she took my cup and got me more coffee. This was my third cup, after this I'm just gonna head out and give her a tip. "This is all for today, thank you miss."

"Of course, just let me know when you're ready for the bill." The waitress smiled back, walking away before I could respond, "Since you're the only one, let someone know you need Demi." She was called to the front for a family of six to host a birthday party. I was ready to pay, but I waited for her to come back.

"Oh I'm ready don't worry." I replied as I drank my coffee. I usually put creamer and no sugar since I don't really like sugar. Once the bill was paid and I drank the coffee down, I headed out and walked home. Norton was once again, dancing to music. Does he really enjoy dancing to music? How funny, I like that he's able to keep himself busy without me having to get pissed.

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