Chapter 7

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After we went out and took some photos, we just decided to rest and listen to some music before I was called in for the late night shift. I was worried sick because one, Norton is a ghost and what if they find him, and two, I'm scared someone will track down and kill me! I have a shovel and lantern, So, I let Norton know of this and he was just as scared.

"If I die, just know the memories we made were unforgettable. And I will never forget e m." Norton smiled as he kissed my cheek lightly before I left for the night. I ran as fast as I could to the cafe to get a coffee before they closed, and luckily it was only six, and they were open till nine, so I'm glad I was able to get there in time.

"Jesus christ it's dark..." I whispered to myself as I got my ghost gun out and shot at a ghost. Oh god, it was another teenager, what happened to them...They look so young and innocent, they don't deserve this. I hate this job, this is the time ghosts come out the most, and I might just walk around and not really kill anyone. But I would get fired if I didn't kill fifteen ghosts.

"I'm sorry, but I must kill you all." I whispered to myself as I found a group of ghosts and shot all seven of them. One ran off but I caught up with them and shot them execution style. "May you rest in the stars.." I said as I packed up my stuff and ran off to go smoke a cigar. I checked my watch and it was already 2 in the morning. Goddammit this is scary. "I love you mom."

As I walked from the cemetery, I lurked around, hoping nobody would know I was just from the cemetery, and rushed home. Luck wasn't on my side, and I saw some familiar people. "God, it's them! Shit!" I whispered as I felt my heart pacing, racing, and my breath grew heavy.

"Oh look, it's the monster from high school! Why's he out so late?" I need to run! My high school bullies found me, how do they recognize me? Oh wait, I'm extremely recognizable... God I hate this town sometimes. I was running as fast as I could until I was cornered at an alleyway, and they had their fists ready.

"You aren't going anywhere!" One of them said as they punched my back as I fell over. "Get em!" No please! I don't want to be beaten to a pulp like I was all of high school again...I don't want to be outside at night anymore. Sir, I'm sorry! I'm gonna get fired! I was getting kicked and punched just like an ordinary beat up.

"Now, stay there!" Someone yelled as they ran off laughing as I grew weaker and weaker. Could I finally be a ghost like Norton? "Freak.."

"Gh...I need to get home.." I said until I collapsed on the floor. I woke up later in a hospital, covered in bandages and everything. But no one was there...

"Oh, it seems I passed out. I should dial Norton..." I yawned as I reached for the telephone booth and dialed for Norton, these telephones were only invented recently, so it's not the best, but surely Graham Bell was a genius for this, I could hear Norton's voice faintly.

"Where are you?"

"Hospital. I was beat up late last night."

"Holy mackerel, are you okay now?"

"I think so, no broken bones thankfully. God was by my side as well as you."

"God will be there, and so will I. We're here for you. See you later."

"Alright darling, love you." I said as I hung up the phone and when I saw the nurse bring in breakfast, I ate the food as slowly and politely as possible. I wasn't too hungry, but I ate as much as I could.

"You will be released today at noon. There are no major injuries." The nurse smiled, bringing me some food. Breakfast was at the moment, so the food was eggs, bacon, and diced potato fries with a side of cereal.

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