Chapter Four

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After killing nearly twenty ghosts, I went to the cafe and just rested for an hour. I was sick of killing ghosts, but if I quit I'll be suspected of having a ghost in my house, which I do, and I'll be jailed! Or killed! Gosh I worry for Norton every single day..Hoping he's alright. So, I got off early and saw that Norton was peacefully reading a book

"I told you to hide!" I yelled as he closed the book, aiming the ghost gun at him, but put it away in just seconds. "Oh, you like that book too?"

"I'm sorry that this book is so damn interesting!" Norton yelled back as he headed upstairs. "Jeez." I decided to go upstairs along with him and change out of my clothing, not realizing Norton was staring right at me.

"I didnt know you were so strong.." Norton smirked. "Those scars though, what happened.." I saw him, and I screamed as he freaked out. I told him to leave, and he apologized, why does he always say sorry!?

"Get out. Now." I demanded as Norton flew out quickly. I do feel bad, but he can't just stand there and watch me change! How perverted....What's wrong with him? "Okay, you can come in now."

"Thanks, sorry I was just standing theI apologize for barging in, I didnt think straight." Norton said as he sat down on the couch with some snacks such as biscuits with jam on them, and crackers.

"Thats fine, I've been through hell and back and much worse so your fine." I sighed as I turned on some music on my phonograph and danced with myself. It was a slow and peaceful melody, compared to the one Norton usually plays.

"Mind if I dance with you?" Norton smiled as he held my hand. I got a bit flustered and backed away, but I backed in front of Norton and held one hand and one on his invisible waist and vice versa. We danced to the melody of the song, and we just hummed to the tune.

"I've never danced with someone before.." I said as I looked away from Norton, clearly flustered still since these odd feelings with a man aren't my usual self. I don't develop feelings this quick, do I? How odd..Romance is very, very weird to me..

"Darling, your quite good at dancing." Norton smiled, and I ignored him, "Andy-?" I shushed him and asked if he would stop calling me those names.

"Dont call me darling.." I blushed as he caressed my face and I quickly slapped his hand and looked away. "I'll let you know when I'm comfortable with you doing that.."

"Ah, sorry, Andy!" Norton worried. "Should we continue to dance? I'm very skilled at it, and I'll teach you some stuff I learned."

"Sure. I wouldnt mind." I said as I looked back at him and continued to dance. I felt at ease and calm with him. He did make me feel a bit uneasy, but thats because I had just met him a few days ago and already were pretty close. Is that bad to get this close to someone this quick? Well, I just continued to dance to the melody until seven and got myself something to eat as well as something for Norton, but he wasnt hungry.

"I'm fine, thank you though." Norton smiled as he sat down on the couch as I ate a biscuit. He tried one, and enjoyed the cracker, and put cheese on there, goat cheese. Seems we both like that kind of cheese.

"Say, can I tell you something?" I asked. "Its quite important.." I sat down, Norton next to me, as I held his hand and he didn't notice. I was shaking, worried, but I had to get this feeling over and done with.

"Of course, just sit down here and tell me!" Norton smiled as I sat down next to his invisible body. Is this seriously what I am gonna do? Tell a dead man I love them, even though it's forbidden and I'd be sent to hell for it? Yeah, I only have one shot at life so I should just tell him.

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