Chapter 1

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It had been 4 Years, almost 5 Years, since Eri defeated All for One and brought Peace to Earth, as she was currently eating Breakfast, having become #1 made her develop Stress, however, thanks to Kota, she not only got rid of Stress, but also managed to get Pregnant, but before that she also found the remaining Catians, freeing them and later in the 3rd Year, after AFO's defeat, finding the Dogian Leader and beating her up, making sure she and the other Dogians are arrested by the Catians

Meanwhile in a Rocky Area, a Beam of Energy suddenly blasted into the Sky, alarming Eri, Kota, Tiff and Tuff

"You will Pay for that" Evil Eri said, as the dust settled and she was shown, hurt and her Outfit Damaged

"" a Robotic Voice said, as Eri turned around and was puzzled, seeing Shigaraki, but Robotic

She simply blasted the Robot, as 2 white Mice were seen inside, controlling it, as Eri seemed confused

"Well that Plan is Ruined, time to go Home and Plan for tomorow Night" the smaller one said, as he went off

"Why? What are we gonna do tomorrow Night, Brain?" The big one asked, Brain, the name of the Smaller one

"The same thing we do every Night, Pinky, trying to take over the World" Brain said, as Pinky, the big one followed him, leaving a Confused (Evil) Eri

Then suddenly she vanished, just as the other 4 appeared, looking around

Time-Skip, brought to you by the Pinky and the Brain, a Blast from the Past, with Nostalgia

Eri and the other 3 then went back, as she went back to her Breakfast, meanwhile Eri was being healed

2 Months later, while Eri and Kota were walking through the City, because of Shopping, while Kota was carrying everything, Eri was holding their 3 Year old Daughter, named after her Great Grandmother, Inko Midoriya Izumi, who was trying to grab onto some Butterflies, as suddenly a Building nearby exploded, alarming everyone, most ran away, having lost their Saiyan Pride long ago (Vegeta meanwhile is turning in his Grave in a completly different Timeline and Universe)

Eri bursted into SS2 on Reflex, as Kota did the same, both flying upwards into the Sky, seeing Eri, Gi now completly repaired and healed, in her SS2 state, smiling evilly at the 2 of them, as Kota got Angry

Eri used the Kai-Kai technique to teleport Inko to their Home and returning

"Kota go Home and protect Inko" Eri demanded, as her Husband did so, bursting into SS3 and flying at High-Speed, as Eri's Golden Hair grew Longer too, bursting into SS3 herself and then Pushing her SS3 Power to it's Max, as the Electric Sparks appeared, while Evil Eri was smiling, closing her Eyes and then starting to Laugh

"What's so Funny?" Eri asked, as her Counterpart, stopped laughing and started yelling, her Hair growing longer too, as her Crimson Aura grew Bigger and she transformed into her own SS3 state

"Super Saiyan 3? But how, how did you achieve it so Quickly?" Eri asked, as she was then kicked from behind, by a Mysterious person, with Golden Armor and Orange Hair

When Eri bursted back into the Sky, she saw a Shadow-like Eri flying there, confused Eri was, but then she suddenly got attacked by the Shadow, as Evil Eri watched and the Mysterious Man, was then Killed by Evil Eri

"Thank you, but this is my Fight, so Burn in Hell" she said, as the Man exploded, Evil Eri then fired a Giant Beam of Ki, which Eri dodged, but the Shadow got hit and vanished

"I can sense you're holding back, stop doing so" Evil Eri said, as Eri looked surprised, but the 2 then started to Clash with each other, going back and forth, as the 2 seemed evenly matched, until Evil Eri bursted her Aura and unleashed more Power, kicking Eri in the Back

'I shouldn't show her 4, otherwise she might achieve it too. My Ultimate State is more then Enough' she thought, landing on the Ground, far outside the City, slightly further away, Evil Eri landed, smiling

Eri then dropped back into her Base, surprising Evil Eri, before she went into a Pose, crossing her Arms i front of her and bursting her Aura, as her Hair Spiked up back into SS2, but her Power grew beyond her 3rd Level, turning Black for a Moment, as her Eyes and Hair then went back to Base Color

(0:25 - 1:51, do Ignore the Dialogue)

Eri was flickering in and out of a White Glow on her, as the Glow stopped, Evil Eri smiled, pushing her Power Beyond too, as she was able to use a Special Technique only for this 1 Time, being able to Push her Power far beyond anything, thus being even with Eri in her Ultimate state now

"Wow, I have not expected this gonna be so Difficult. Yosh. Time to settle this" Eri said, as both got into Pose and started clashing with each other again, creating a Earthquake, but also somehow transporting the 2 into the Otherworld, as Eri looked around confused, before Evil Eri attacked and elbowed her in the Face, then kneed her in the Guts

Eri was then grabbed by the Shirt, as Evil Eri raised her Hand and prepared a finishing Ki-Blast, but suddenly was kicked away

"D-dad?" Eri asked, as tears filled her Eyes, seeing her Father in his Rosé state, powering down to SSGod, smiling at her

"Hey Eri, you grew up so much" he said, stroking her Hair, as she simply hugged him and cried, letting it all out

"I missed you too, hey I promise that once you finish her, we can talk all you want, but for now I want you to believe in yourself and your Power, you can take her down, if you put your Mind to it there is nothing that can stop you, you have the Potential to be the Strongest, you already are more Powerful then me, just bring it all out" Izuku said, as Eri got rid of the leftover Tears and smiled at her Father

"Yes" she said, Powering up to her Absolute Limit

"Remember what I taught you about SSJ? You should try that with this State of yours too" Izuku said, as Eri was charging up to Max Power, just as Evil Eri reappeared with her Absolute Max Power in SS3, enhanced via a Technique that only can be used once forever, attacking Izuku, who easily dodged her Attacks, even beating her, landing Hits, but doesn't get hit

Suddenly Eri rushed at Evil Eri, as Izuku dodged a Punch, their Fists clashing and suddenly the 2 Vanished, as Izuku reverted back to Base, being surprised that they are so Powerful

The 2 Eri's then reappeared in another Universe, as everything looked like in a Video Game, with Blocks being in the Air

The 2 suddenly had Halo's above their Heads, landing on the Ground and looking at each other, getting ready again

End of Chapter 1

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