Chapter 3

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Eri was talking and enjoying the Time she was spending with Izuku and Eris, as Rito appeared, seeing his Big Sister, as the 2 got introduced to each other, Eri smiled, as Rito did the same, the 2 then hugged, with Eri shedding tears, apologizing, not being able to Safe him and their Mother

Eris chuckled and told her that it was ok

"It's Time Eri" Izuku then said, as she knew what Time it was, but was desperate to not let them go

"NO, please I don't want to lose you 3 again" she said, holding the 3 of them, as the 3 smiled at her

"You can always come visit us, but remember you have your own Child and I don't want my Granddaughter to live without her Mother" Izuku said, as Inko, the OG Inko, appeared and hugged her, walking over to the 3

"Grandma" Eri said, as they all shared one last Hug, with Eri forcefully being Teleported back to Earth

"Izuku" a Voice then called

"Oh Grand Kai, what is it?" Izuku asked, as he looked around

"In Hell, All for One is making Trouble again, alongside Muscular and Touya" he said, as Izuku looked rather annoyed

"Fine, they never learn do they?" Izuku asked, as Rito hugged his Father, who then suddenly Bursted into SS4, teleporting over to Hell, Inko, Eris and Rito then walking off into the Heavenly Palace

Meanwhile Eri woke up in the middle of nowhere and started to levitate, as she put 2 Fingers to her Forehead, using the Instant Transmission Technique, teleporting Home, as she was greeted by her Family and hugged

Time passed and Eri managed to make Ultimate her New Base State

Enjoying the Control over her Power, she then went out Patrolling

After a Few Weeks she was Bored due to no Challenge happening in her Life, because Aliens appearing, but they were weak, sometimes stronger then the SS3 Criminals, but still much below Eri

"I'm so Bored" she said, as suddenly Katsuki and Shigaraki from Evil Eri's Universe appeared and motioned her to follow them, so she did

Meanwhile in another Universe, Eri was sacrificing herself against a Nomu created by AFO himself, as her Daughter Inko was on the Ground cursing at herself

"Take care of your Father for me ok? Goodbye Inko" Eri said, teleporting onto the Planet of the Lord of Lords, but then was pulled away by a Green Portal, as the Nomu exploded

In another Universe, a Mechanical Eri was currently fighting Katsuki Bakugou and a few other Pros, but was defeated on the Ground, but before the #1 Pro, All Might could Finish her, a Green Portal appeared, sucking her away

Meanwhile in the Universe that Evil Eri is in, she had just gotten a Beating, but now was with the Upperhand due to SS3, she was watching as Broly was on the Ground

"So are we done here? Good" she said, as she was preparing to finish Broly off, but he stood up again

"KAKAROOOOOOT" he yelled, as his Purple Aura Bursted and his White Hair grew Longer and his Eyebrows vanished, reaching LSS3

"Uh oh" Eri said, before being beaten up and thrown around again, Eri then layed there, dropping back to Base Form

"Dammit" she said, as Broly looked at her, but then another Green Portal appeared and sucked Eri in, making her vanish

Meanwhile back in Universe 7, Eri seemed surprised

"So you're telling me, she never appeared back in your Universe? Now your Portal device" she said, but got interuppted

"MX-5" Katsuki said, as she looked at him

"This MX-5 is now pulling other versions of Me into a Unknown Universe?" Eri questioned, as both nodded

"So will you help us?" Shigaraki asked, as Eri thought about it

Meanwhile in a Unknown Universe, Eri, Mecha Eri and Evil Eri appeared, looking at each other

"What do you want?" Evil Eri asked, as Mecha Eri attacked her, she bursted into her SSJ state and gained the Red Hair and Aura we are all familiar with

The other Eri then attacked the Mecha version, as the other 2 had just clashed Fists with each other, as Eri appeared above them and punched at the Ground, due to them evading

Evil Eri then kicked Eri away, as Mecha Eri punched her in the Face, but then suddenly Evil Eri was kicked by a Shadow Eri, as she turned around and saw a few different Eri's Appearing and starting to fight each other, among them was a Eri who seemed like regular Eri, but with the Gi being different (Buu Arc Gohan/Goku Gi), but as she blocked a Attack, her Eyes turned completly Red

'You who have awakened the Dragon' a Voice in her Head stated, as she drew on the Power of Shenron

Just then another Eri in a Purple Gi, kicked a Eri in Saiyan Armor (Vegeta on Namek before the Ginyu Force), as she gained a Yellow Electric Aura

"TRIPLE KAIO-KEN ATTACK" that Eri yelled, the Yellow Aura surrounding her, as she beat up the Saiyan Armor Eri

As suddenly a Great Ape Eri was punched by a Eri who's Body was changing Colors the entire Time (like the Super Star when you play Mario)

There were like 20 Eri's there, fighting each other, as there even was a Eri in a Demonic Armor, who's Skin got Pale and her Hair turned Black, spiking up, as she was surrounded by a Black Aura and her Eyes were completly Red, using her version of Super Saiyan, having Black Hair, she was kicked away by a Eri who's Super Saiyan had Grey-ish White Hair, her Eyes too were Grey in Color

Evil Eri then Bursted into SS2, gaining the Yellow Electric Sparks around her Aura, as Mecha Eri kicked the Alternate version of Eri who sacrificed herself against the Nomu into Evil Eri, who in a Swift motion cut her in Half, making her Explode, as Mecha Eri then used a Technique, as Evil Eri attacked her, stopping Time and then charging a Attack, but then getting destroyed by a Eri who wore Mario's Clothes, but in her Color and the Hat saying E not M, Time moved again, as Evil Eri then punched the Mario!Eri in the Face

Back in Universe 7, Eri decided that this might be Fun and it needs to be Stopped, so she was ready, standing up, as the 2 from Evil Eri's Universe were Happy she was helping

End of Chapter 3

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