Chapter 4: Eri Versus

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In the Unknown Universe a Portal appeared, with Eri, Katsuki and Shigaraki walking through, as all 3 were surprised by the amount of Eri's, now being around 40+ Eri's fighting each other

"Remember Eri, our Eri will attack you first once she feels your Ki, you will have to Stall her, until a Red Portal appeares and push her through, sending everyone back Home" Shigaraki said, as the 2 vanished through another Portal, back to Universe -7

"Ok, time to Do this" Eri said, as she bursted her Aura, Powering up, with Evil Eri sensing her instantly

"There you are" she said, bursting over to where Eri was, as the 2 then looked at each other

"Wow, your Power has grown so much since last we saw each other" Eri said, as Evil Eri bursted into SS3, maxing her Power out instantly

"But still below me" Eri said, as the 2 started their fight, going back and forth, as Eri was holding back, enough for Evil Eri to not beat her, enough to keep her at bay

Evil Eri then fired multiple Ki-Blasts at Eri who seemed surprised

'That's Vegeta Technique ... who the heck is Vegeta?' She questioned her own self, before dodging the Blasts

The 2 then started fighting again, as suddenly the Demonic Eri attacked Eri along with a Zombie Eri, both being beaten and the Zombie one being destroyed by Eri

"You're fighting me" Evil Eri said, as Eri apologized and the 2 went at it again, going back and forth, as in the distance a shadow appeared and the shadow landed on the Ground, revealing to be another Eri, with much darker Skin, Blank Eyes and a Scar across the Left half of her Face, wearing a Gi Similar to Gohan's in the Buu Arc and Movie 10, but Dark Grey in Color, the Shoes Black and the Bands around her Legs, same with her Belt and Wristbands Red, as her presence made everyone stop, Eri and Evil Eri were shocked, she also had Short Hair but longer then Evil Eri, inbetween Eri and Evil Eri

"Oh wow, what Power" Eri said, as Evil Eri had her Arms crossed

"There sure are some Amazing Fighters out there huh?" Evil Eri asked, as she noticed that the Unknown Eri's Power was rising

Suddenly 3 Eri's Attacked her, but didn't even make her Flinch, but all 3 got knocked away, by Nothing

"Behold" she said, as she bursted into a Red Haired Super Saiyan state, her Hair spiking up, being surrounded by a Black and Red Aura

As all the Eri's looked at her, she bursted into SS2, her Aura being more Firece and having White Electric Sparks, her Hair spiking up, as everyone was watching in awe

"Impossible" Eri #37 said, as she couldn't believe it, bursting her own Super Saiyan state, gaining Green Hair and a Black Aura

They then watched as the newest Eri, crossed her Arms and then bursted into SS3, her Power rising even further, as her Blank Eyes were watching everyone, her Long Red Hair flowing in the Wind, as her Red/Black Aura was Huge and White Electric Sparks were surrounding her

She then yelled out, as more Energy bursted from her Body, suddenly becoming a Great Ape, but with Red, Crimson Fur

'IS SHE GOING 4?' Eri panicked in her Head, as the Great Ape yelled and started to Shrink, while glowing

Suddenly everyone felt the Amazing Power that this Eri had

"She's a Savage with that kind of Power" Evil Eri said, as the new Eri was now called Savage Eri

The Lights died down, revealing Savage Eri, with Golden Fur and Black Hair, revealing her own Super Saiyan 4 state, as she stood there Evil Eri attacked, but got blocked by 1 Hand and then sent flying into a Mountain, as Eri looked at Evil, then back at Savage

"My Power is without Rival" Savage said, as Eri landed infront of her, taking a massive jump backwards to get some Distance, cupping her Hands to the side

"KAAA MEEE HAAA MEEE" she started to Chant

"HAAAAAA" she yelled, firing a Super Full Power Kamehameha, at Max Power, not even fazing the Savage Eri, as she just tanks the Blast, suddenly other Eri's joined in and fired a Kamehameha Blast, at Max Potential/Power, everyone their strongest Versions of the Attack, still not fazing Savage

She was tanking so many Kamehameha Blasts, each having their own Color, a Blue one, Red, Pink, Yellow, Green, Black and so on, even a Negative Shaded Kamehameha was blasted, from all over Savage, being blasted from every Direction

"KAMEHAMEHA" Evil then yelled, blasting her Kamehameha too, but it still wasn't enough, as Eri then yelled

"KAIO-KEN TIMES TEN" her Beam getting more Powerful and she gained a Red Aura, everyone used their Max Power and even Bursted their Aura's, but it still wasn't enough, as suddenly a Red Portal appeared, at quite the distance

'You will have to Stall her, until a Red Portal appeares and push her through, sending everyone back Home' Eri remembered, as she stopped her Blast kicking Evil Eri towards the Portal, as the 2 Beams thus vanished, with Evil standing up

"What the?" She asked, as she turned around seeing the Portal, then turning back to only see Eri with a Open Palm infront of her Face, blasting her with Air-Pressure through the Portal, as a Bright Light shined, every Eri in Base, suddenly being back in their Universe

"Finally it's done" Eri said, as she dropped out of Kaio-Ken and layed there, taking a Nap

"How dare you" Evil said, as she looked on to see Katsuki and Shigaraki

"Heheh, what?" Evil laughed but then questioned in shock, as she gained her Halo back, vanishing

"So she really was Dead" Katsuki said, as Shigaraki nodded, everything finally turning back to the way it should be

Meanwhile in Savage's Universe, Eri stood there, with her Back to the Reader, as everything went Dark

End of Chapter 4

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