Darryl Ending 2 (Good)

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(Warning:  mention of cannibalism?, re forming?)

I’ve noticed what Dallas has been feeding Darryl human flesh. Darryl’s cell is scattered with bones and rotten flesh. I went down in the basement to check on him. If I’m going to get him out. I’ll have to give him actual food. I have an apple with me. “H-Hey Darryl.” He walked up to the bars and looked down. He’s taller than me. I’m 5’8, he’s 6’3. I kind of like the height difference. It makes it seem like he’s all scary but actually a cuddle buddy. I’m getting off track. I stuck my hand into the cell with the apple. He took it and looked at me confused.

“What do you want me to do with this?… Doll.”

“Y-You eat it. It’s f-food.” He gave me the sly eye and took a bite. His eyes lit up. He ate it like it was the last thing he’ll ever eat. He dropped the core of the apple. Looks like I need to bring more. I was pulling my hand out of the cell. He grabbed it. It was gentle. He wasn’t squeezing it. It was loose, gentle and soft. My hand could easily slip out. I looked up slightly. He had my palm close to his face. He kissed the middle of my hand. He let go of my hand. I pulled it out of the cell. My face burned. “Griffin! You down here?” Dallas came down the stairs. Darryl kicked the apple core away. Dallas hugged me and led me away from the cell. He brought me back to my room. He left me in my room and shut the door. I looked at my hand. He kissed my hand. Why? Is it because I gave him food?

I’ll bring more and different things. Like some pasta or bread. Maybe have him go outside. I don’t even know how long it has been since he was outside.

-one week later-

These past few days he’s been eating. He kisses random places on my arm. My face always burns when he does that. It’s breakfast and I brought pancakes. I made them myself. “Darryl, I made pancakes.” I sat down in front of the cell. I picked up a pancake and gave it to him. He ate it like he was never having it again. He was reaching for another. I grabbed his wrist gently. “This time, eat it slowly.” I let go of his wrist and he took one. He started to eat it slowly. His eyes went soft. There was no trace of that insane look. I set the plate down and watched him. His muscles relaxed. He’ll need a bath and a change of clothes. The cell needs to be cleaned out. He finished the three pancakes and reached for my hand. He took it and kissed it. He was going to pull his hand away. I took his hand and kissed it. He gave me a confused look. His face was red.

-one month later-

I’ve convinced Dallas to let me take Darryl outside. Well as long as he can see us. I led him out. He looked around in ‘Aw’. I brought snacks with me. He sat down on the grass and felt it. His eyes lit up like he was a child. I sat down next to him. It’s like he never saw it. “Hey what’s this?” He was touching the grass and pointing to it. Oh my god, bless his soul.

“That’s grass.”

“Oh, is it poisonous? Eatable? Is it a disease? Can it hurt you? Can it kill you? Why is there so much of it? How does it grow? Why does it grow? Why is that patch yellow? Why is there none over there? Are there supposed to be tall ones? What’s under it?” Oh gosh. He has forgotten. He probably doesn’t even remember school. I started to explain his questions. I showed him dirt. Which he asked many questions on. I showed him bushes, flowers, trees, bugs and animals. He was amazed. I checked the time. He has to go back. I took his hand and led him back inside. I gave him a snack. It was some raspberries. We made it to the cell. I sat down on the outside while he was inside. He was eating the raspberries, savoring them. I’ll just have to convince Dallas to have him bathe every few days. Plus some clothes and a proper room.

-two months later-

So Darryl can only come out of his room for an hour. I’ve convinced Dallas to give him a room. That’s not the cell. He likes it. He went to the bed first and touched it. He sat down on it and laid down. He smiled softly. His skin is much healthier than the day I met him. He’s much happier. “Hey come on, that's not the only thing that’s happening.” He sat up and looked at me confused. Was he expecting to just get a room? This poor baby. Waved him over. I took his hand and led him to the bathroom. He’s getting a bath ladies and gentlemen. I had him sit on the toilet and wait. I turned the water on. I checked to make sure it was warm but not too warm. His hand touched the water away from the spout.

“Do I get in?”

“Yeah, take these clothes off first.” He nodded and removed them. In front of me. I squeaked and looked away covering my face. I heard a splash of water. I peaked and sighed in relief. “Stay, I'll be back.” I took his ripped, dirty clothes and had them washed. You’ll never know when you get out of here to be able to do Halloween. I grabbed fresh clothes that fit him and some soap, shampoo and conditioner. I came back to see that he was relaxed. I set the fresh clothes away from the bathtub. I took off my shirt just in case I got wet. “I’m back, have your back facing me.” My voice was quiet and loving almost. He turned his back to me. I took the shampoo and squirted some out. I rubbed it into his hair. I scratched his head to have it on his scalp. He tipped his head back. There was a smile on his face. He must like that. He was more relaxed. He looks adorable.

Fuck, I’m catching feelings. I rinsed the shampoo out and started on the conditioner next. It was back to the scratches. He had the look of pleasure but also relaxed. I gotta do this one more time and with the lice killer stuff. I rinsed out the conditioner. After all that I got to the soap. I scrubbed it up his arms, back and chest. Rinsed it off. “Okay you gotta do your legs and private places.” Towards the end I got quiet. Darryl scrubbed his legs and looked down. He was trying to figure out how. He looked at me. His face became red. “U-Uhm, How?” Oh god. He’s asking me to do it for him. I had him face me. I took the soap in my hands. He was staring at my chest. I don’t mind doing this to be honest. I’m perfectly okay with it. It’s like I’ve been doing this for my whole entire life.

I lifted his leg out of the tub. His face turned a dark red. I started to instruct him on how to do it. Having his hand on mine, guiding him. “Got it?” He wasn’t even paying attention. He was staring at my hand and chest. My face burned. I got up to grab a towel. After he dried himself and got dressed. I gave him some toothpaste and a toothbrush. He looked at me to explain. So I did. I kind of did it for him while explaining. It seems his teeth had been kept healthy. Just that clothes and hygiene wasn’t. He looks like a completely different person. A stranger. He kissed my forehead and hugged me. Gosh he’s adorable.

-four months later-

Dallas is letting me go. He gave me a bag with little food and water. Like if I was out here for a while. Like I planned it. He told me to never come back. I looked at him like he was crazy.

“What about Darryl?”

“What about him?…”

“Can I take him with me and keep him? We'll visit.” Dallas hesitated then sighed. He nodded and went into the house. Dallas and Darryl came out. Darryl had a bag, probably full of clothes. He was confused and stood next to me. Dallas took a deep breath. It looks like he’s gonna cry. “Just make sure you visit…” With that he closed the door.

Total of words 1491, damn this was long. There will be a pt. 2 - Alaphi

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