Part 1

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*beep* *beep* *beep*

I turned over picking up my Digital alarm clock and ditching it at the wall. I was so not looking forward to going to school. "Y/N you better be getting ready or I will throw a bucket over your head again" I heard my Uncle Charlie yell from downstairs. "Ughhh why do I have to get up?" I grumbled. "Because you have school kiddo that's why". my uncle said poking his head into my room to make sure i was getting ready.

"Oh and also I made bacon and eggs, might one to get some or the boys will eat them all " he said chuckling and walking down the hall. I got out of bed and made my way downstairs to grab breakfast and headed back up to my room too eat it and then get changed into some more decent clothing. I ended up deciding on a pair of cargo shorts, a band shirt I got from a concert last year, and a pair of grey camo steel cap boots, my AC/DC jacket and my spike bracelets and a bunch of my rings.

I went back downstairs grabbing my lunch off the kitchen bench and heading for the door, but not before my little brothers started to have a sword fight with the toy light Sabres I got them each for their birthday. "What do you think you little rascals are doing?" I looked at them with a 'I am going to tickle you if you don't tell me' look . Luke looked at me like i just killed his pet lizard. "Stop whatever you are thinking Y/N I know that look" Elijah spoke with a tint of uneasiness.

I just continued to stare the twins down as they looked between one another. "RUN LUKE SHES GONNA TICKLE US" Elijah shouted as he sprinted away, Luke soon following suit after a second of me staring at him. "Bunch of dorks" I mumbled to myself as I made my way to the front door. "I'll see you guys when I get back from school!" I yelled out to my brothers and uncle, I got a "See ya later Y/N" from my uncle and was tackled into a hug by my brothers, i hugged them back laughing as they ran off and then I left for school.

As I made my way down the street to my school, I noticed two boys standing outside the 'freak house' as some would call it. I took a closer look and realised it was Fridge and Spencer. I don't consider talking to them, I know them because we are in the same classes as I'm anti-social and I'm also an introvert. "Do you mind, can we just speed this up? Freak house makes me very uncomfortable, hear you go.." Spencer spoke with fear evident in his voice as he handed some papers to Fridge. "You proofread everything?" Fridge asked curiously. "Yea I proofed it, and I gave it a beginning... and an ending an-and s-some in the middle" Spencer said nervously and stuttering over some words. "Look man I would've done it myself, if I had the time or whatever.." Fridge said clearly he wanted to leave. "Yeah, it's no big deal.. Hey, man, I was thinking, so..... I mean, it's been real fun doing your papers and your homework and stuff.. I don't know what you're doing this weekend.. but I was thinking we could-" before spencer could finish Fridge interrupted him. "This weekend. Yeah uh" he couldn't finish what he was saying since a girl pulled up next to them. I took that as my cue to continue off to school.

I was sitting down at my desk trying to do my test but all I could hear was Bethany talking to her friend on the phone. I decided to listen to her conversation. "It's been over two hours since I've posted.. and he hasn't commented, he hasn't even liked it, You saw it" Bethany said sounding hurt. "Yeah gorge, I don't know what his problem is" her friend spoke. "Thank you. it's not like I post all the time, just enough to stay relevant. But it's cute enough for Noah to at
least-" Bethany whined before getting interrupted by her friend. "Hey, there's some rando behind you". I then took notice that the teacher had heard Bethany and her friend talking and was now standing behind her. 'hah Serves her right for being a loud mouth' I thought to myself and zoned out for the rest of the lesson.

I started my walk to gym class, which surprisingly I actually kind of like. I ended up bumping into someone. "Watch where you are going freak" He said Rudely and shoved me back a bit. "Hey look it's the cow freak with the Retarded brothers" The shorter out of the two spoke. I froze instantly, 'they can make fun of me as much as they want but no one and I mean NO ONE talks about my brothers like that' i thought anger boiling through me. "what did you just say.." as I spoke slowly. "Oh, I'm sorry.." he said pouting and faking sympathy. "what I said was your brothers are RE-" he didn't get the chance to finish his Sentence as I had punched him square in the nose. "You can talk shit about me all you fucking want, but don't you ever bring my little brothers into it otherwise I will do a lot worse than punching you in the nose" I said my voice laced with venom. "Is that a threat?" he looked at me anger written all over his face. "No, it's a promise Asshole. and I keep my promises" I said as I stared him down. His whole demeanor changing just the slightest to see fear in his eyes.

"Detention Miss Sullivan" I heard a teacher say behind me. I ignored it and left for gym class. "Bethany, Y/N you're late" said the gym teacher. "Sorry" Bethany said from beside me and took off joining the others. as I just stood there.

"All right, we are gonna practice catching and throwing. So partner up and grab a football. Let's move!" the teacher said shouting at everyone "Hey Martha. Martha. You can't play catch by yourself, Pair up with Y/N. Come on let's go!" the teacher said pointing to me stretching. "No. No, I-I'm good" I could feel Martha's eyes on me as she spoke. I looked up and we locked eyes, she instantly looked away and I swear I could see a hint of blush on her cheeks , I then looked away slightly confused. 'why would martha be blushing at me?, I mean yeah I have abs and workout alot but so do alot of girls here. why would she blush looking at me. I've known I liked girls for awhile now and always thought Martha was cute but I'd never stand a chance with someone like her and besides I'm pretty sure she likes guys and i think Spencer likes her'

I then zoned back as I heard Martha rambling about something "-and I personally don't want to waste it on being, like, a gym teacher" she then stopped for a second realising what she had said. "That-That... That came out wrong" She said stuttering. which I found rather cute. "Yeah, it sure did. That's detention" I heard the teacher say to Martha. I got mad a bit after hearing that. She was being unfair, giving her detention for something so stupid. She then looked down then back up, locking eyes with me for the second time that lesson. That's when I realised I had been staring at her and mentally cursed myself for it. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks as she continued to stare at me. "Spencer Gilpin?" I heard someone say making me break eye contact looking over at the voice, noticing it was the male gym teacher.

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