Part 4

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As we were getting to a clearing We heard a car honking at us. we then stopped as it had cut in front of us. "Ah, Dr. Bravestone! Welcome to Jumanji!" The dude driving said while the doors opened by themselves. "Don't just stand there. in you go" He spoke again. we looked at each other as we heard a growl and scrambled to get in the car. There wasn't enough room in the back so Martha had to sit on my lap , as soon as she sat down the dude started driving off. "Dr. Bravestone! famed archaeologist and international explorer, known across the seven continents for your courageous exploits" the strange dude said completely ignoring the four of us in the back. "is there a seatbelt" Spencer asked somewhat frightened while i just snickered at him which got me a glare from him.

"I can't tell you what an honor it is to finally meet you, and i'm not embarrassed to say that you are even more dashing in person" The dude said again. "Um thanks?" spencer replied confused. "who are you?" Martha said struggling to get comfortable on my lap, i had grabbed her hips to stop her from moving. which caused her to gasp as i blushed slightly and let go resting my hand next to me. "nigel billingsley the first, at your service ruby roundhouse killer of men welcome to jumanji i've been so anxious for your arrival as you know jumanji is in grave danger, and we are counting on the five of you to lift the curse" nigel said. "curse?" Fridge said looking around confused. "what curse?" Spencer said seconds after. "Excuse me? have you seen my phone anywhere?" Bethany said.

"Bethany we told you already your phone isn't with us!" i replied getting slightly annoyed. Bethany growled at me. "Professor Sheldon Oberon and Madam Elizabeth Luther welcome to jumanji nigel billings at your service i've been so anxious for your arrival" Nigel said. "what's with this guy?" Bethany whispered. "I think he's and NPC" Spencer said stating the obvious. "wow thanks for that captain obvious" I mocked him. "a what? english please?!" Bethany said as i rolled my eyes. "A Non Player Character he's part of the game so anything we ask him he only has his programed series of responses" Spencer said Dumbing it down for Bethany. "Got it, It's all clear now" Fridge said mockingly. i just giggled slightly as i felt Martha move slightly, i couldn't help but blush. i moved my legs slightly so she could sit in between my legs instead of on top of them she turned around slightly to face me and smiled silently thanking me. i just smiled back as i was too nervous to say anything. "Franklin Mouse Finbarr, welcome to jumanji-" Nigel started "its Moose not mouse" Fridge said annoyed. "no good sir i'm quite sure it's Mouse-" Nigel started again. "Mouse?" Fridge set interrupting him once again. "A nickname given for you diminutive stature and adorable manor, i knew you'd be here Dr. Bravestone doesn't go anywhere without his trusty sidekick" Nigel said.

"sidekick?" Fridge said obviously offended by that. i just started laughing as Martha stared at him. "Ever since Dr. Bravestone rescued you from the clutches of a warlord and the jungles of peru, you've never left his side". Nigel said "god he talks to much" i mumbled. Martha just slightly giggled at what i said. "right" Fridge replied annoyed. "can we go back to the curse thing?" spencer says anxious. "It's all documented in the letter i sent you Dr. Bravestone, Perhaps you should read it aloud" Nigel said replying to Spencer. "I don't have a letter?" he says confused as he looks at his hands to find a letter and lifts it up so everyone can see it. "woah" Martha says leaning forward causing her to push back against me.

'oh my Irene why is this happening to me' i thought as i felt my face heat up knowing i probably look like a tomato. i heard bethany snicker next to me. i just glared at her. "right uh, Dr. Bravestone i am writing to you regarding the desperate situation in jumanji we need your help at once-" he started as i heard it turn to Nigel's voice "woah guys" Martha said "what's happening?" Bethany said cutting her off. "ok, what the hell is going on?" Fridge said. "i think it's a cut scene a lot of games have them it's like a little movie to tell you the backstory" Spencer and i said at the same time.

"My name is Nigel billingsley, Jumanji field guide, i was hired by your former partner now nemesis Professor Russel Van Pelt to lead a fateful expedition, you see Professor Van Pelt had come in search of the fabled jaguar shrine, resting place of the sacred jewel of jumanji. as you know better than anyone the jewel was his great obsession, and after years of research he believed he had discovered its whereabouts" nigel said as we heard what i assumed was this Van Pelt guy's voice. "could it be? have i finally found it?" nigel then started talking again. "Van Pelt told me that he wanted to find the jewel in order to document it in his writings" van pelt started speaking again "it's real", "what i did not know was that he intended to take the jewel for himself" nigel finished you could then see/hear van pelt scream i found it as lighting struck everywhere. "legends tell that the jaguar watches over jumanji and anyone who dares to blind him be consumed by a dark power, van pelt assumed dominion over all Jumanji's creatures possessing them, controlling them, and a terrible curse befell this once placid land, i begged him to put it back but once he had it in his grasp he could never let it go. so i waited till they slept that night and i made my move" nigel said as we saw Van pelt wake up and start shooting at Nigel "BRING ME THAT JEWEL, and slaughter anyone who tries to stop you" Van Pelt yelled.

"Right then here you go" Nigel said pulling a green crystal out of nowhere and handed it to spencer. "with the invaluable help of your associates, you must use your complementary skills to return the jewel to the jaguar's eye and lift the curse, and i'm sure you'd want to get started right away" Nigel spoke once again "irene does he ever shut up" i said annoyed. "actually i think i-" Spencer started but got interrupted by nigel "good luck, jumanji is in your hands". the doors then opened scaring Spencer. Martha jerked back pushing into me. "what woah" Fridge said "and remember the goal for you are recite in verse 'return the jewel and lift the curse' if you wish to leave the game you must save jumanji and call out it's name" Nigel said Nigel then starts to repeat himself and we all start getting out. "he's just repeating himself" Fridge said. "thanks for that captain obvious" i reply picking Martha off my lap and getting out of the car. "oh shut up Y/N" Fridge replied obviously annoyed by my comment.

We got out and look over this beautiful view of the mountains. "it's ok, you can handle this, in real life people love you, you can hook up with anyone you want" Bethany says scared as i roll my eyes. "is that what you tell yourself when you're scared" Martha reply's. "can you not judge me for two seconds, i split up with Noah, i turned into a guy and i cannot find my phone!!! i am aloud to be upset" Bethany says starting to cry . "are we supposed to feel bad for you?" i reply. she just glares at me. Martha turns around and looks at me like i'm an idiot. "What?" i say pretending to act stupid.

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