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After arriving back to America from Jeddah, Jake went straight to check in to the hotel nearby the arena. Then, his phone rang. Without looking at the name of the caller, Jake answered it.

Jake: Hello.

??: Hey, Jake. It's me, Steff.

Jake: Hey, there. What's up?

Tegan: Want to go and grab lunch together?

Jake: Sorry, mate. I need to skip this time. Jetlagged.

Tegan: Oh, c'mon Jake. Are you planning to sleep until the show starts?

Jake: Yes.

Tegan: Fine. But you owe me lunch.

Jake: Anything for you, mate.

Tegan: Okay then. Bye.

Jake: Bye.

Then, they hung up.

"Sorry, Steff but the bed didn't want to let me go" muttered Jake alone before he fell asleep.


"He's not coming?" asked Becky.

"No. He got jet-lagged" replied Tegan.

"Well, I don't blame him for that. He and Wyatt went all out in our match. I have no match against any of them that night" said Rollins.

"You sure close with him nowadays, huh" said Charlotte.

"Well, not until recently. Somehow, he started to open more about himself and started to talk a lot" replied Tegan.

"That's good. At least we know now that he's not an arrogant bastard" said Ali.

That night;

"Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome our WWE Champion; Joe Marufuji!"

Joe then walked through the ramp with the WWE Championship gold on his shoulder.




The crowds keeps chanting his name.

"Last night is completely an unforgetble night. Not only that I slay the beast, I also walked out from the Elimination Chamber as your new WWE World Heavyweight Champion!" said Joe followed by a loud cheers from the crowds.

"For me, winning this gold means I booked my ticket at the grandest stage of all; Wrestlemania! But, who-" suddenly;

Bobby Lashley made his entrance and walked straight into the ring.

"It's funny when you talk about last night. As I remember correctly, I never got pinned or tapped out. Which means I'm the rightful one to claim that title at Wrestlemania!" said Lashley.

"Well, Bobby. The reason why that happened simply because you got your ass whipped by Wyatt Danger. That's right. He whooped your ass by throwing Randy Orton at you. Besides, you're heavier than The Viper. So, seeing you can't compete just because of that makes me think; are you really the one I should face at Wrestlemania?" said Joe. Then;

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