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A few days later;

Jake went to MWA Headquarters to meet Steve.

"Mr Walker, nice to finally meet you" said Steve as they shook hands.

"Same here. Thanks for having me" replied Jake.

"Please, take a seat" said Steve.

"Thanks" replied Jake.

"So, let's get down to business. Are you sure that you just want to be here as a freelancer?" asked Steve.

"Yes. I want to move around freely for now" replied Jake.

"I see. This is your contract. You may read it and if you're satisfied, you can sign it" said Steve. Jake then takes a look at the contract. Once he was satisfied, he signed it.

"Okay. Now, are you interested in working with any promotion under the alliance?" asked Steve.

"Well, I've checked the details of every company in the alliance. I saw those companies are controlled by 2 big stables; Prest1ge and BulletProof. Are these do used to be against each other before?" asked Jake.

"Well, they used to. They fight for their rating and reputation. That time, Prest1ge members won't sign with any promotions run by BP while BP did the same with promotions run by Prest1ge. Some of their members even fought at the street" replied Steve.

"That serious? Then, how did it stop?" asked Jake.

"That's none of your business" said Hariz that suddenly came in.

"What are you doing here?" asked Jake.

"Again, it's none of your business" replied Hariz.

"Hariz, knock the door will be appropiate" said Steve.

"With this guy in here? Not really. By the way, I got news for you" replied Hariz.

"Now what?" asked Steve.

"Aliff said he can't make it tonight" said Hariz.

"What happened to him?" asked Steve.

"Well, he lost his passport while in Singapore. So, he's stranded there for a moment" replied Hariz.

"I see. Then, why don't you team up with Jake tonight since you both already known each other?" asked Steve.

"With this guy? Hell no" replied Hariz.

"What's the problem with that?" asked Steve.

"You know how tag team match works, Steve. It needs double the chemistry. Me and this guy totally have no chemistry. Why don't you just let me have a single match or something? Or maybe just let me bring back Coup D'etate or Southern Casual for tonight?" asked Hariz.

"Iqbal already have a match on scheduled. As for Haiqal, is he even here?" asked Steve in returned.

"Yes" replied Hariz.

"Okay, then. You may proceed with Southern Casual" said Steve.

"Okay, then. I'll see you tonight" replied Hariz before walked away.

"I see that he has problem with you" said Steve.

"More like trust issue. But, I can't blame him for that" replied Jake.

"I see. Anyway, thinks you good to go later tonight? I can set up your debut match tonight" said Steve.

"Yes. Who am I facing?" asked Jake.

"Our former MWA World Champion; Randy Gates" replied Steve.

"Sure. I'll see you tonight then" said Jake.

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