chapter ix: aoi's fate

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#9: "Aoi's Fate"

Her hands clasped together, the warm afternoon air clashed with the sudden shiver she felt from her spine. For some unknown reason, she felt very dizzy. Her mind spun causing her movements to become slower and slower.

Until the indigo-haired female's whole body comes to a halt. But the desire to run away from their house had never been stronger. How could they do that? Visibly shaking, she hugged herself tightly as she lowers her body to the ground of the empty street.

"How could we let her stay with the only person who disobeyed the prophecy?" A dark glare was given to the elderly woman, who was trembling with fear. "We must proceed with the tradition. She's a perfect vessel. But we have to empty her first."

Empty, huh?

Suddenly the tremendous stinging entered her whole system, targeting her heart once more. The corners of her eyes heated up due to the pain. After a few seconds, she felt a burning sensation on certain areas of her skin. Catching a glimpse of her right forearm, she saw that a part of it was glowing. But it wasn't randomly shaped rather it appeared like kanji characters of--of--what do they look like? She squinted her indigo orbs but they widened afterward when she finally realized what they were.

Why do they look like
spells and curses?

Before she could even figure out what was happening, she blacked out.


"Why are you stopping me? Isn't this the purpose of her existence?"

Three men draped in traditional attire pulled the old lady away from the entrance of Aoi's room to make way for another man, the tallest of everyone in the hallway. His grim expression is the core of the unsettling atmosphere as he asked the question.

The four of them gazed at the sleeping young girl. Representing the successful result of whatever was mixed with the tea that was given to her earlier.

"It's a good thing that you never told her any of this since it would've been even more difficult." He smirked.

"You prevented me! It would be better to tell her about this especially since this is about her life-" The old lady got out of the men's hold but she stayed still in her place.

"She's only here because of us. Born due to the opportunity we have given her, so it is just right that we are the only ones who can mold these circumstances for her. We know what's best for her unlike you."

Unbeknownst to him, an indigo-haired female regained consciousness. Meticulously listening to their conversation.

Is having my own soul and consciousness not enough indication that certain decisions primarily involving me should be made by me? Or at least uphold a chance to have a say on any of it?

"Finally everything is going to plan. After this, we must bring her to the temple-" The man was about to take something from the pocket of his clothing when the old lady spoke.

"A-Also why are you all already here? You told me, you would arrive next week. And the contents of the scroll, would it be alright to change it a little and at least make her spend more time here? S-So she could AH-"

The case of a scrolled paper hit her left cheek, scarring the skin and interrupting her words. The lady shook in fear when her vision met the man. "There read it! To refreshen your mind that whatever you just said is impossible. Don't ever question the prophecy and go against our tradition."

『Entangled Stars』;「運命」┇akane a. x aoi. a auWhere stories live. Discover now