━ ☆☆. akane : cheer

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Akane Aoi

Finally she noticed it! He thought. Eagerly waiting for her to open the window. He stared at her. His crimson galaxies focused at her. . .

only at her.

Just to even distract himself from the noise downstairs, the clashing sounds of things breaking, the sharp words thrown to each other like darts dripping with their kept wrath. . .just a distraction.

So that he can manage to smile the moment she looked at him.

Beaming as he threw the 'telephone cups', his smile faded slowly as he caught her teary-eyed with stained cheeks. He felt his heart crack a little. Like the things creating the noise downstairs, his heart shattered a little, as he glimpse at the spark vanishing from her eyes. Did you cry again, Aoi?

Don't cry, please. Can you smile at me, Ao-chan?

Just so I can smile too?

She smiled at him.

Then she made him remember his wish as the sounds of their voices danced within the strings of the cups. My wish?

I lied, Aoi.

What I told you? That wasn't
my wish. . .

He watched the different emotions flashing at her indigo-oceans her silent stories that only she knows was kept from within. He slightly felt a sting in his heart, when he caught that one of the special people he cherish so much. . .

was battling in silence.

Suddenly a strong feeling flickered within him, specifically inside his heart. He was sure. . .that as she fought quietly, he'll cheer for her. Always.

Even if she doesn't know.

The crimson-haired male sighed heavily and placed his mouth inside the cup, "What about you, Ao-chan? What was your wish?"

He felt a lump in his throat as he heard her response. Why?

Beneath a sky painted with the stars that held their wishes that were yet to come true, like the strings attached to the cups, their story similar to the dancing vibrations. . .

Everything began when both their string of fate got connected by the stars they both wished upon.

『Entangled Stars』;「運命」┇akane a. x aoi. a auWhere stories live. Discover now