Chapter 11

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Coco's POV

"Coco, I don't think this is a good idea. You said some pretty messed up things to her yesterday." Boyscout says, turning onto Leilani's Street. I shake my head. "I just gotta apologize and explain myself. She'll understand. I didn't sleep all night because of what I said to her." I tell him, squinting at the sun. My left eyes vision has started to return. It's just a little blurry still.  We slowly pull into her parking lot, and I notice a bike parked next to her broken down, Toyota. It's Angel's. EZ pulls up next to it, and I step out. "Maybe he came to ask about the Son's.  I mean, she's a close part of the club, you know." He says. I hold my hand by the bike itself. "It's cold. The bike hasn't moved in a few hours. Maybe since last night. Let's go, EZ." I growl at him. He looks up at the apartment before hopping in the car. "I'm sure there's a logical explanation to it Coco just breathe." He states, backing out of the lot. "Just go to the scrap yard, boyscout." I tell him, shrugging it off. To think she actually was hurt about yesterday was a ridiculous thing to think of. What a Fucking idiot. I pull the prescription of oxycodone put of my pocket and pop two, swallowing them without water. "Be vareful with those, they're highly addictive I hear." Boyscout states, looking at the pill bottle I'm holding. "I know what I'm doing. Just drive huh?" I say to him, throwing my hands up towards the road. He chuckles and continues on. I didn't care what was addictive. As long as I didn't feel the way I do right now. I don't know who I'm more hurt by, Angel or Leilani. We pull into the yard, and El padrino sits on the porch. EZ parks and we step out. I light a cigarette and walk towards the clubhouse. I walk passed El padrino and the prez, headed straight for a beer. "Riz is dead. El padrino doesn't want us to retaliate, but that was our brother. We do what needs to be done. For him, and for Coco." Bishop states, looking to me, making eye contact. "EZ where's Angel. It's templo time." Bishop tells him, walking towards the stained glass door. Ez looks to me, as if he wants approval to bring Angel here. I look away, lighting a cigarette.  I don't know who to be mad at. Angel, Lei, or myself.  I have no right to be upset about Lei, I don't even know if they did anything.  Plus, it's not like we're together or anything, right? The door opens, and in rushes, Angel. I turn towards him, and he locks eyes with me, immediately turning towards templo and walking in. Is he avoiding me? I stand up and head towards templo, looking at EZ throwing empty beer bottles away. "Hey, you ain't a prospect no more. That ain't your job esé." I tell him, pointing towards templo.  "Let's go vote this shit out, huh?" I say, walking in the door. I take my seat right next to Angel. He pretends to not even notice me, as if he's guilty of something. "You good bro?" I ask, laying my hand on his shoulder. He nods and looks up at me. "Just long night at my pop's. " He states, looking down. There's the lie. Maybe they did do something, and he doesn't want me to know or find out about it. I need to stop. She ain't my girl, ain't my problem.

Leilani's POV

"Hey, you're with Doctor Maradona today okay?" Julia tells me, handing me his list of patients for today. "He's got an establishing patient coming in, does he want a full work up?" I ask her, looking at the name Johnathan Cruz. She nods, "Yeah, apparently some freak accident with liquor and fire, made him blind. He's got a specialist appointment with him." She states, not even looking up from her computer. No way this is Coco. Johnathan? I didn't even know his real name and I was upset over him? Still am, but that's irrelevant. Please don't let this two-thirty appointment be him. Is Jesus Cristo doing this to me on purpose? I've got other patients until I know if it's Coco. Nope. Johnathan. "Hey don't forget to run their insurance before we open okay?" Julia warns me, heading towards exam rooms to prep. I nod and head towards the computer. Everyone's insurance is either Medicare, Aetna, or blue shield/blue cross, except Johnathan. His is Veterans insurance. If this was Coco,  There's so much about him that I don't know, I'm brought back to reality by the phone ringing. "Hello, Santo Padre Medical clinic this is Leilani how may I help you?" I speak into the phone. "You tell your little bitch charter, we're coming for them." The mysterious voice growls into the phone. I slam the phone down and look around the office before grabbing my phone and calling EZ. "Hey whats up? I'm busy with the club right now." He says as he answers the phone. "That's what this is about EZ. I know you got patched in last night. Congrats, but it's urgent. I need you to come to the clinic now." I tell him. The line is silent for a second. "Uh yeah, I can be there in 10, I'll see you soon." He says, hanging up immediately afterward.  I look out the windows around the office. I jump at the sound of Julia scaring me. "Looking for something, maybe someone?" She asks, peering over my shoulder. "No. I'm just looking at the weather today." I lie, opening all the blinds up for the day. She chuckles and walks off again towards the desk. "Oh all of their insurances check out by the way" I tell her, as I wait on EZ before the office opens. I feel like it's been twenty minutes, yet it's only been five. A few moments later I hear a knock at the back door. I rush towards the back and come face to face with, Coco? "What are you-" I'm cut off by Ez and him pushing their way in. "What's up? You said this was about the club?" Coco asks. Seriously? Why did Ez bring him. "Someone called. Don't know who. Sounded Mexican, but they threatened the club. Said they were coming for my little bitch club." I tell them, looking at the burns and cuts on Coco's face. He looks sad, avoiding eye contact. Was I really just pussy he was pursuing? No, No, No focus. "Alright. We'll tell Bishop. Just work like normal. We'll send someone to keep an eye on you here today. Must be someone close to us if they know you're business with the club." Ez states holding the collar of his kutte. "I don't have business with your club. Not anymore." I tell him, glancing at Coco. He scoffs and takes off his shades, revealing the eye patch jes still wearing. "Really? Seems to me you had the club business all over lately. Right boyscout?" Coco growls. What exactly is he insinuating? Did Angel say something to him. No angel would never hurt Coco's feelings like that. "Excuse me, pendejo?" I ask, locking eyes with him. "Me and boyscout went by your place this morning. Guess you got a thing for Mexican bikers now instead of little rat Puerto Ricans huh?" He barks back at me, looking me up and down.  Before I even think, my hand makes contact with his cheek, leaving a red hand print. By now EZ has walked outside towards the black car they're in. Coco turns his face back toward me, getting very close. "You ever touch me like that again, you'll be a club problem. You got that?" He questions, his breath hot on My cheek. I shudder, not knowing if it's his sterness about the slap or merely his face close to mine. "You don't scare me, Johnathan. I'll make sure you have a different nurse during your appointment today." I tell him, backing up and looking towards the door. "Go ahead and cancel that. I'll find a different place to go to." He tells me, turning and walking out. Fuck him. And fuck that stupid club. "If all you wanted was some biker dick that wasn't white, you could've just asked, bebita." He calls out, with a little stiffened laugh at the end of it. Oh fuck this. "You know, maybe if you didn't push people away because you're too scared of them getting close to you and knowing you, you'd be a much happier person!" I yell out to him. He doesn't even glance in my direction as he gets into the car. Seriously, the nerve of this fucking asshole. I want to hate him, but everything he said hurts my heart, so I know that I don't.

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