Chapter 15

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**Four days later*

Leilani's POV

"Heart beat sounds good. I'll schedule another appointment for 3 weeks from now." Doctor Reed tells me, handing me a cloth to wipe the gel off my stomach. I sit up, lowering the shirt over my stomach. "Have you thought about your options? I wasn't aware you had a significant other." He asks as we walk out of the exam room. "Yes. I just want the ultrasound so I know how far along I am before I make any decisions." I say, turning and looking at him. He nods and smiles, patting me on the back. "You'll know in 3 weeks. Just for now, take it easy." He states before walking towards the back area. I walk out of the clinic and head for the bus. My phone starts ringing, and it's Letti. "Hello? Woah woah, slow down. Who's Hope? He went after her? To where? What'd the club say? Gilly said that? Okay, okay, just calm down. I'll be there in a few minutes." I tell her, hanging up and rushing towards the bus stop. I hop on the bus and sit down, waiting to get to Coco's.  Where the hell could he be? And who the hell is hope? Did he really move on that fast? Found some junkie whore to help him find his next fix. Of course, he couldn't get clean. I pull the cord on the bus, signaling my stop. I run off the bus and head towards Coco's. I run in the door and letti hugs me, explaining that Coco came home with some woman named hope and she left in the middle of the night and he chased after her saying they were gonna kill her and That was 3 days ago. Trying not to let the jealousy consume me, I dial Gillys number. Straight to voice-mail. He messages back telling me that he's headed to grab Coco.  I sigh, relieved. "Gilly said he's on his way to grab your dad. I'll wait here with you. Make sure he's okay." I tell her rubbing her shoulders. I send Adam a message that I'll be home late and there's frozen pizza in the fridge. Letti and I sit on the couch waiting to hear back from Gilly or at least have them walk through the door. All the stress causes me to become nauseous, trying to hold my vomit back, failing miserably. I run to the kitchen and vomit in the sink. Continuing to gag. Letti holds my hair back. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to cause you stress. I know you and Coco are going through something, but I didn't know who else to call." She explains. I shake my head and wipe my mouth, turning the sink on the wash the sink out. "No, it's fine. I'm just worried about him, that's all, " I say, knowing it's half a lie. Maybe if I tell him the truth, he'll clean up his act, right? Maybe he's already moved on with this girl, though. What do I do then?

Coco's POV

"We can't leave without Hope!" I yell to Gilly, searching for her. He turns to me, shocked. "What about Leilani? She's worried just like Letti is man, what the fuck? Just hurry up." He yells back, holding the gun pointing it in different directions. These freaks start to surround us, and I point the pistol at them. "I'm not leaving without Hope." I tell them. Pointing the gun at Isaac, king of meth mountain. He let's out a cynical laugh. "She's free to go if she wants to. Come on Hope. Do you wanna go?" He asks, Hope emerging from behind him. She hesitantly walks towards us, I point the gun, and shoot Isaac. We all three slowly walk backward towards the entrance. Leilani was worried about me? I shake the thought from my head. Just cuz she's worried doesn't mean she cares. I gotta move on, I can do that with Hope. Or at least distract myself from the reality that Leilani doesn't love me anymore. If she did she would've stayed and helped me through my addiction. Right?

Leilani's POV

I look at the clock, it's been 3 hours and no word. Lights reflect on the wall and I notice it's a truck. We stand up and run outside. Coco steps out, looks like he's grabbing something when a girl steps out of the car with him. Helping him walk towards the house. He's bloody and bruised, swollen. Coco looks up and stops. "You don't waste time. Do you? I'm here, with your daughter worried sick about where you are and if you're okay?! Meanwhile, you're running around with some junkie who obviously helps you get your next fix. You're un-fucking-believeable Coco. And you can go fuck yourself!" I yell, walking off the lawn and towards the busstop. "Yeah, why don't you go find Angel, I'm sure he'll do you alot of comforting huh?!" He screams back, turning towards his house and limping inside with that fucking whore. Fuck him. I fucking hate him. No I don't. I wish I did. I stop along a fence line and just sob. How could he even do this? Everything was going so well. He should've just stayed home. He would've never gotten his eyes hurt, and he would've never gotten addicted.

**3 weeks later**

"You're about 3 months pregnant, baby is healthy, heartbeats strong." Julia states, moving the sonogram stick along my stomach. She turns the screen towards me and I see it moving around. "Have you thought about your options? Remember, the farther along you become, your options become slimmer." She says, wiping the ultrasound gel off my belly and handing me the picture. I take a glance at it and nod. "Make me another appointment.  I plan on keeping the baby." I explain. Julia squeals and claps her hands a few times. I hop off the table and she follows me out of the room, walking me towards the lobby. As we make small talk I bump into EZ. I drop my papers, crouching down and gathering them, EZ helps me, picking up the ultrasound photo. He looks up at me, handing it back. "Is it Coco's?" He asks, looking around the lobby. I look down, trying to hold back the tears. "I- uh- I don't know actually." I say, looking to him. He looks confused and then turns back to look at Angel. Fuck I've been avoiding him and Coco. "You know he's having a baby with nails right?" He tells me, looking down at my stomach. "How are you gonna find out who's it is?" He asks me, still looking down at my stomach. "There's a procedure where they can extract DNA from the fetus in about 4 weeks, but I'd need their DNA or one of  their relatives. "I can give you mine, but you might have to talk to letti for Coco's." He states, looking back at Angel. "Please don't say anything. Not yet. Until I do the procedure." I plead with him. He nods and walks back over to his brother. I throw my Hood over my head and rush out of the doors, trying not to be seen by anyone familiar. I've been avoiding everyone who isn't Adam. I can't believe I'm pregnant.  And what's worse? Who is the dad? I've become one of those women...

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