Chapter 17

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Leilani's POV

I'm woken up to Ez banging on the door, yelling my name. Coco never called me back. Maybe he was just drunk dialing me and avoiding it now. My heart sinks a little as I answer the door to Ez. "No, it's not Angels." I tell him, turning and slugging myself back to the couch. "No, Lei. That's not what I'm here about." He says, turning and looking away from me. "What? What's going on? Is your dad okay? Why do you look like that right now, Ez?" I ask, sitting back up and searching his face for an answer. His eyebrows furrowing, and he chokes a little bit. "Samdino gunned down the Stockton charter last night." He states, looking up and at me now. "Okay, and because my Uncle Alex is a Son-" I stop myself. Coco left. With another charter. "Wait, Ez. Where's Coco?" I ask, standing up and turning him to face me. "Coco was in Stockton, Lei." He whispers, trying not to look me in the eyes. "What hospital is he in? Where's he at? I'll ride with Letti, she knows, right?" I asked, running around the house, looking for shoes and my purse. "Lei would you- LEI STOP! HES NOT AT a HOSPITAL!" He yells, holding me in place by my shoulders. I feel like I can't hear anything or see anything. My whole body crumbles, and I fall to the ground, collapsing into Ez's arms. I let out a sob, feeling every piece of my body hurt. This isn't happening.  No, Coco's alright he's one that survived. He has to be. There's no possible way that he isn't gonna listen to my message, and call me. "What the hell did you guys do to the Son's?!" I scream at Ez, pushing him away. "We don't know why they hit us yet. We're working on that now. We're gonna retaliate Lei. I promise." He tells me, grabbing my hand. I rub my stomach as tears still fall from my eyes. He was supposed to come back to me.


"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Like I told Alvarez, we didn't give the greenlight to hit Stockton." My uncle Alex speaks into the phone. I sigh, knowing he didn't actually give a damn or not these days. "I just need to know. Is there gonna be a war?" I ask him through the phone. He sighs. "Not if Alvarez and I can help it. Jax worked too hard for this to turn to shit, " He states to me. "Okay, well, I've got a funeral to go to. Again. Let me know if I should take Adam out of town at least. You and the Son's owe me that much. I have to protect my son." I tell him, rubbing the growing bump of my stomach. The black dress, not even hiding it anymore. "Alright, again, I'm sorry, sweetheart." He says, hanging up on me. I look in the mirror, swiping the stray hair from my face. Adam knocks on the door, entering my room and holding my shoulders. "Are you ready for this mom? If you can't do this, I can always bring you a card home." He tells me, rubbing my shoulder.  I shake my head, sniffling the tears back. "No. I have to do this. For her. Because the only time she's ever gonna see her father is at a grave site. Just like you." I tell him, looking down at my belly. He releases me and pulls me around to face him. "I thought you said you didn't remember who my dad was?" He questions, searching my face for an answer. I look at him, cupping his face and holding in tears. "Your last name shouldn't be Trager, Adam. It should be Ortiz." I tell him, finally relieved of the worst lie I ever told him. He looks around before pulling me in for a hug. I hug back, letting a small tear fall down my cheek. "Let's do this." I tell him, pulling away and heading for the door. Letti is waiting, in what used to be Coco's beautiful car, now puke green. I take a deep breath and slowly walk down the steps and towards the car. I don't know if I can do this, but I have to. For our daughter.


Letti throws the dirt onto Coco's casket after just yelling at this entire club. She was right. They weren't there for him. I wasn't there for him. As Adam grabs a pile of dirt for me and pours it into my hand, I grip it tightly. I'm looking up at everyone there. My eyes are locking with Ez's. He looks down, feeling my disappointment.  My eyes swell with tears, and I hold my hand out over the casket already lowered into the ground. "That young girl was right. We had the power to change this outcome. And as I watch your charter, tear itself apart, I once watched one do the same thing! And now, a war is brewing, and two girls will grow up without their father." I say, holding my stomach with my other hand. I drop the dirt, looking down at the casket, that the love of my life lays in. For the second time. When I look up, everyone is shocked, including Letti, who stands by her father's car. With that, I walk towards the car. Taking one more look at his grave. I love you, Johnny 'Coco' cruz. And so will our baby...

A/n:  THIS story may continue. Until after she has the baby, depending on how the newest season will start. STAY TUNED💜

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