Chapter 20

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If that wouldn't have happened then ,we would've had a love marriage, I wouldn't have gone missing for 5 freaking years but no you had to do that.Few hours ago during your bidai you hugged that Veer ,you dated him after I left,you dated him for five freaking years,then why on my birthday 5 years ago did you make that announcement that no one can come between us why Devyani why .But don't you worry now sweetheart now I OWN YOU ,I didn't give  80 crores  to  them for me to get you in return,for nothing did I no ofcourse not .Now you are mine,my wife,my property,my toy,or whatever I want to call you but dont worry I will never find about this.Enjoy yourself for now Devyani because once the revenge mode starts it won't ever stop, because this time I aren't stopped.Dont worry darling because now you will pay for what happened years ago .The revenge will be revealed to you soon.You are my purchased wife Devyani Shastri .Oh ya you were looking so hot in that wedding dress of yours,ahh I just couldn't take my eyes off you .From today other man will talk to you,see you,touch you ,not even think about you because YOU ARE MINE .I'm watching you since years but you don't know that.I know what you did in your day to day life in these years,you made me your stalker Devyani but now don't worry I AM BACK and this time nothing will go wrong .

It's been hours since Neel left the room .Trust me I am bored.Should I go and check up on him no let it be maybe he wants to be alone.Right now I am sitting on the bed changed into a comfortable and loose pink top and pant with white straps ,my hair are open . Suddenly I get a message from Saadia
S:hey did you reach safely
D: ya hours ago
S:what are you doing now
D: nothing,bored tbh
S:oh wheres jiju ?
D: He's busy
S: did you eat something since you had nothing on your own wedding
D: ya obvio (i lie)
I'll eat something in sometime but she doesn't need to know anyways to chat like this for fifteen minutes until she says that she's very tired so she'll call/text ne tomorrow.
Few seconds later I get a message from Mishti
M: I know you reached so I won't ask that
D: u literally just did
M: omg ,yes I did oopsie
D: anyways jiju is cute , thats exactly what you were gonna ask na
M: ya bro ,u seriously no me so well
D: I know you since childhood.anyways Im bored pls help
M: Idk talk to your sis in law's if you have any
M: anyways when are you coming for your pagh phera ?
D: depends on my in-laws
M: ok but do u have any
D: ok then depends on my husband
M: ahhh husband (she starts teasing me which makes me blush and thank god that we are chatting and not on call)
M:ok jokes apart,how are you tbh
D:I am happy,like really.
M:ok then ,I'm glad Because I know that you won't lie to me like you sometimes do to Saadia ,and I also know that you haven't eaten anything yet and you also didn't eat anything on your own wedding.
D:Ahh you you know me in and out Mishti love you
M:love you too girl but I have gotta go Saadia is calling for dinner and ya please eat something asap ok bye good night sweet dreams take care
D:same to you
Chapter ends

Chapter 20  is here

Its finally out
A major truth is out
Is devyani  in love
And what changed neel so drastically
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