Chapter 21

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Tonight I'll finally sleep after years knowing that I finally got what belongs to me.Also I won't sleep in the sand room as Devyani as I want her to enjoy her life for a while.I go towards a room which is right next to Devyani's .I enter the room ,this one is full white ,the bedsheet is white,the pillow covers are white ,the walls are white,the furnitures are white.This is room is full white because this used to be Harleen's room who loved white at a time.Anyways I go towards the wardrobe pick out a pink hoodi and pink pant as my night outfit.

Minutes later I am sitting on the bed when I suddenly get a message on ny phone.Looking at my phone I see I have got a message from Harleen.
H:bhai Devyani is here
N:what do u mean ?
H:I mean shes here in our living room.Pankti and I were just casually talking when Devyani arrived.
D:so why are you telling me this
H:bhai u only told us na to give u Devyani's every moves record ,so thats what I am doing.
H:listen bhai ,Im Calling you and putting you on speaker,so that you can hear the whole conversation,one more thing keep yourself on mute so that Devyani doesn't hear your voice.
N:ok ,cool
She call me ,I mute myself and ahes on speaker.
P:hey bhabhs
H:is bhabhs fine with you or shall we call you Devyani
D:wait a second aren't you both Anu's friends so how are you calling me bhabhs.
H:ya we are but we are also Neel's sisters
D:oh my goodness, thats news ,he never mentioned that to me .
P:ya because we are his third cousins thats why
D: thats why ,does Anu know that
P:no ,
D:ok and ya don't want me to tell this to her ,am I right?
H:ya ,thats exactly.
D:so ,how about we become friends since we have to stay in the same house from now on and also you don't call your friends bhabhs ,call me Devyani ok
P:ok Devyani friends (shake hands)
H:ya Devyani so friends (shake hands)
D:so now ,Im hungry my stomach is growling.
H:is that so .
P:so what would you like to eat ?
P:let me guess ,ummm ya Maggi and Nutella Pancakes
D: omg ya how'd you know that ,now let me guess Neel told you am I right,
H:ya ,he remembers
D:ok ,so how will we get these dishes
P:let me tell one of our cooks to make it alright
H:ok cool till then we'll chat ,ok Devyani
Please talk about me Harleen I want to know what Devyani thinks about me now
H:so how are you
D: Im good
H:how did you find the house
D:its umm beautiful
H:ok but seriously how are you feeling after the tragedies which striked you after Neel left?,shastri uncle, minty aunty,sareen uncle
Next thing I know I hear sobbing,MY DEEVYANI IS CRYING, hearing her cry my heart cries ,I feel that Harleen is hugging her and telling her to be quiet,I wish I was Harleen ,ugghhh .
10 minutes later the crying and sobbing stops .
D:thanks ,I needed it . anyways please don't tell Pankti and Neel about this they'll get just get worried about me and I don't want that .
Sorry,you are for that I already heard it

(Neel is still hearing them)
I cried on Harleen's shoulder and told her to not tell Pankti and Neel about this.Anyways the food arrives which is
Maggi and Nutella Pancakes
We have three plates of each .I eat them with my new friends Harleen and Pankti while we chat for hours .
Hours later we bid each other good night.
Its 3:00 am now and I go to my room
Suddenly I get a text from Harleen
H: listen forgot to tell you,bhai won't sleep with you in that room , he's sleep in some other room ,he doesn't want to make you ya , good night once again Devyani .Meet you tomorrow,and ya be up by 9 or else Aaru won't spare you ,I don't mean that in a bad way but still, she's like be up by 9.
D:ok ,will be up ,wait a sec by up u mean,ready and downstairs by 9 or just wake-up by 9
H: wake-up,be ready and downstairs by 10:30-11 ok,now seriously good.The fact that our hubbies have slept but we haven't is so weird, anyways good night.

With that the day finally gets over ,And I sleep within seconds.
Chapter ends

Heres chapter 21 
#hareel (harleen+neel) are so smart
But the  food,now Im hungry
Oh ya deveel are wearing matching nighties
Omg Neel heard the whole conversation that the girls had
Now what will be his next move
To know more keep reading
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Love ya
Ps Sadia pls read this chapter
From now on Im uploading here as wel just for u

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