Chapter 22

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Yesterday I finally got what belonged to me.Devyani became mine.She became my Wife.Now she is a part of my life.As planned I will act good in front of her for a while until I burst because once I burst them I won't leave a soul especially Devyani.
Suddenly I hear a snapping sound opening my eyes ,I see Aaru standing in front of me with plate filled with pancakes and a bowl filled with milk chocolate,with an angry look she says
Ar:Since when am I calling you Neel ,where are you lost?
N: umm ,uhh , actually,I..
Ar: oh I see ,you were thinking about your bride , weren't you ,{she asking teasing manner}(I dont blush)
N: No Aaru ,I was thinking about food,
Ar: anyways,here have breakfast (she says while keeping the bowl of Nutella and plate of pancakes on the dining table) and ofcourse  your milk
P: here's your milk Neel.

Minutes later, everyone has been seated for breakfast,but unlike me not everyone has milk ,some have milkshake,some have juice ,some have tea, some have coffee,some have black coffee & some have green tea
We all eat in silence for few minutes until Aaryan breaks it
Ary: So when is Devyani going for her pagh phera (not that question man)
H: How about today since Pankti and I have to neet meet Anu ,so we will go with her ,is that alright (she says while looking at me , indirectly telling me that Devyani won't be left unsupervised. All I say is )
N: Is that even a question to ask
P: so it's done
Ar: so it's final Devyani goes for the pagh phera today itself
And everyone start talking among themselves, looking at Devyani,I see that all this while she hasn't said a word,all she is doing is smiling.

Few minutes later we all are done with our breakfast.
I just realised something, Devyani and I haven't been alone since I left her room in anger last night.

Someone, Somewhere
If  it wasn't for me then Devyani wouldn't have agreed to marry Neel , infact she wouldn't have married him if I hadn't messaged her .

Should I tell her about my feelings,I don't know I am scared

Finally I married Anushka,I love her more than anything

Just got a call Devyani is arriving for pagh phera today,yay I am so excited

Today I gotup by 9 as Harleen had requested.I had breakfast with everyone,all are so sweet.I am going to go to my house for pagh phera.I am so excited, caan't wait to meet Sadia,Mishti,Zendya,Aditi, Anushka, Rajat.Neel and I haven't spoken since last night.Anyways right now I am in my room combing my hair in front of the mirror,when I get a call . Seeing at the id  ,I see Harleen
H: Devyani
D: say
H: are you ready
H: ok ,meet us in the living room
With that I cut the call
Right now I am wearing black tank top ,jeans and I have left my hair down with a headband.I check myself in the mirror one last time and I leave

Chapter ends

Chapter 22 is here
Pls check it out
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Now who is this someone?
For whom does Veer have feelings for?
Rajat is happy?
Anu is also happy but for a different cause?
They're breakfast 😋
Aaru's and Neel's convo ,how did you find it ?
What do say about Devyanis outfit?
What will be Neel's next move ?
To know more keep reading my ff
Your writer
Lasta Di Vista
Sa when are u reading sadiascribesx?
Anyways bye till then .

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