What if Deku was Karl Ruprecht Kroenen

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Dr. Garaki POV:

          The year was 2256. My master and I were in Russia following through with his investigation into a very pre quirk era story. His fascination all started back with his younger brothers obsession with comic books, in this case a very old one from the 1990's the 2000's, Hellboy. 

          See my master had a friend in the US who came across some documents that seemed to suggest the character and his adventures were more than fiction. Albeit not exactly how the comics showed them. Were were here looking into the validity of the evidence provided and the mention of some, immortal man. 

          This peeked my interest when he told me because my own quirk allows me to live for a very long time under the right circumstances. Yet supposedly one of the henchmen for a villain this Hellboy fought was genuinely immortal. We were currently in a very old cemetery on the outskirts of Moscow. 

          We were looking for the mausoleum of Rasputin, a master of the dark arts that Hellboy fought on a few occasions. It wasn't hard to find as it turns out it is the only one left standing in the cemetery, its kind of eerie like something dark was keeping it safe from the test of time.   

          "Lets go, Garaki." My master said calmly as he began to descend into the mausoleum.

          We walked down the stairs and came upon an odd sight the room was segmented off at a right angle. "The room was probably circular and maybe some kind of trap separated the room into four quadrants." I said looking at the wall. "We will need to find a way through or deactivate the trap to continue ..." 

           "Or we can use the hole right here," My master said before pulling me back and punching the angle of the wall allowing us passage to another section. In it we saw a door forward that was sealed shut, "One more time then." 

          BOOM. All we could see was dust I made my way forward to continue but my master stopped me by grabbing my shoulder. The dust settled and I saw I was about to walk off a very short platform to a long fall. "Thank you sir." I said stepping back. 

          "Can you see across to the other side?" he asked me. 

          "Yes, there appears to be three large hammers," I said calmly analyzing the situation. "They look like the once were pendulums and they destroyed a bridge. On the far end of the room is another sealed door and small platform." 

          "Okay we will have to go across there," my master said. "Get on my back, I'll take us across." 

          "Right," I said climbing onto his back. He used one of the quirks he stole long ago, I believe it was called air walk. With it he walked us across the room to the small platform and then he busted down the door. 

          We entered a small chamber on the other side, there was but one hallway that was covered in sharp rusty metal. I went ahead of my master as the hallway only allowed for single file use. On the other end was a hexagonal room with a similarly shaped pit in its center frozen gear all around the room visible through very dusty windows. 

          "This is it if I recall," My master said coming up behind me. "The room where the immortal man was left to rot, it matches the reports." 

          I looked into the pit and saw a harrowing site. A man wearing a beaten metal mask impaled on many spikes in a sort of punji pit held there by a giant gear weighing him down. "Well for an immortal man he certainly doesn't look very alive," I chuckled. 

          "Perhaps he just stopped moving because his position was fruitless without outside help." My master said before using a telekinesis quirk to lift the gear up and then lift up the body. "Come Garaki we have what we came for. Oh and grab his blades from over there" 

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