Chapter 1 (It has all started here)

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Victor walked onto the school grounds, creating his usual intimidating aura amongst anyone who witnesses. His long, black coat and his short, fluffy, black hair fluttered in the wind. Every step he took seemed to draw him more attention. 

"Greetings dear! You must be the new student, do you have any luggage you'd like to carry with you?" A small lady with blond hair and a hot pink suit chirped at him.

Victor turned his neck towards the carriage, which was full of black suit cases with a silver clasp.  The lady craned her neck around his tall figure to see what he was pointing at...there was certainly a lot of luggage. The blonde lady clapped her hands to get attention from the guards. They quickly rushed to the carriage and heaved the black luggage towards where Victor is.

"Where do you want us to put this?" One of the guards said while his face was beet red.

"Just put them on room 72, please!" The lady answered as she waved dismissively at them.

Victor followed the two guards upstairs after being handed his room key by the lady. Victor reached the top of the steps while staring at the two men with his dark eyes. Causing the guards to go a bit faster up the steps, just by his expression.

As soon as they reached room 72, Victor swiped his key card in the insertion and the doors opened to his huge room. There was a living room in the centre with a kitchen next to it. There was a big TV set at the other side of the living room with two pastel coloured bean bag chairs. A piano was found in the corner and bedroom doors were set at the far end of the room.

".....Why are there two bedrooms?" Victor asked them. The guards both jumped at the surprise of this creepy boy talking for the first time, since he got here.

"Well each student here is going to have a roommate. So I suggest choosing a bedroom" One guard said, placing down Victor's luggage in the centre of the room.

"We're waiting for them to arrive...the teachers are down stairs if you need them" The other guard said as he placed the rest of the luggage right next to what the other guard placed down.

"Thanks..." Victor mumbled as he closed the doors. Finally...peace and quiet. Victor collapsed onto the living room couch and sighed deeply. It was a long way to travel here, he missed living a lonely life now that he was going to have a roommate. He got up from the couch and peered into the two bedrooms. One was a plain room with a tall bookshelf, and the other one seemed to be a big, pink princess unicorn could probably guess which room Victor was going to take. 

Victor stared at the bookshelf that was almost graving the ceiling. He took the time to identify each and every one of the books. None of them seemed to be a horror novel, to Victor's disappointment. Classes were starting tomorrow, and the most he can do was enjoy his silence.........................which didn't last long.

A boy wearing colourful clothes has crashed through the doors. Victor was so startled by the noise that he tumbled off his bed. 

"Where is my roommate? I wanna see them!" The colourful boy exclaimed. Victor gingerly opened his bedroom door and immediately made eye-contact with the clown looking dude.

"HEYYYYY ROOOMIIIEEEEE" The boy said as he charged towards victor with a huge smile. 

"Oh hi." Victor said with a blank expression. 

"The name is Rex! A decora fashion enthusiast who is your new roommate! I hope we will become great friends!" The boy said as he stuck his hand out for a shake. Victor accepted the hand shake and turned back towards his room. 

"Oh! Alright then" Rex said before rushing to his own room. The sound of luggage being tossed on the ground, followed by a loud squeal was heard in Rex's room. Victor covered his ears and groaned. This was going to be a long school year.

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