Chapter 4 (Science experiments)

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Whatever intrusive thoughts Victor had was shown in action. The floor was dotted with acrylic paint that was drying by the second. Rex and the bullies were continuously tossing globs of paint at each other, behind the teacher's back. Class was finally over and it was now time for everyone's lunch break. Victor entered the cafeteria which was packed with students. Victor grabbed a magenta coloured food tray and lined up. Hence not having an appetite, he decided to get something small to eat, which was a triangle cut peanut butter sandwich, with water for a drink.

"Victor!!! Over here!" A girl's voice yelled through the crowd. 

Victor looked around to see Mochi, the strange cat girl, waving her arms. 

He sighed and walked on over to them. They were sitting in the ground by the lockers. The people sitting there were Mochi and Annalise. Even though they fight a lot, Mochi and Annalise are always seen together, possibly because they have no one else to turn to.

"Hello Victor! I tried to tell Mochi that sitting on the ground was not sanitary, but she insisted on it, anyways." Annalise said with a smile.

"I got some cushions from the library that we are sitting on!!!! Also the lunch tables are packed, anyways" Mochi proclaimed. 

Annalise nodded and started picking at her fancy salad with a chai iced tea balancing on her tray. While  Mochi had some cheese pizza and a chocolate shake at her side. Victor sat down on one of the cushions and awkwardly took dainty bites out of his sandwich.

"Do you know about the ball coming soon?" Mochi asked.

"I'm not aware of it." Victor replied.

"You get to dress in your best outfit and choose who to dance with. And then at the end of the ball, which is at midnight, people vote on who the two winners are" Mochi explained.

"What determines the winners?" Annalise asked.

"It's based on whoever was best dressed and who has the best dance moves. There are two winners for that." Mochi said.

"I'll have to wear my best gown! I hope that you are coming along, Victor" Annalise told Victor.

Both of them looked at Victor with pleading eyes. It caught Victor off guard a bit. 

"I'll think about it..." Victor had said quietly.

"Make sure you do think about it! It will be fun!" Mochi exclaimed while munching on her pizza.

Victor nodded and took a swig of his water. It might take a lot for Victor to come, since he would much rather be back at his room for silence. He would have to turn down Annalise's and Mochi's offer, if that were the case.

Victor finished his lunch early and went to throw all his trash away. There stood Rex. His colourful hair was hiding his face, but there was a red gleam on his chin. Victor angled himself to get a better view, but Rex noticed and turned away. This annoyed Victor, eventually he marched up to Rex and grabbed his sleeve for him not to run away.

"Victor, let go!" Rex exclaimed in annoyance.

Surprised at him not having his usual happy tone, Victor swung Rex around to face him. Rex had a gash on his chin, a cut on his cheek, and a black eye.

"Rex...what in the world happened to you?!" Victor exclaimed.

"Those boys beat me up after class!" Rex chuckled nervously while pressing a finger to his chin. 

Without saying a word, Victor stormed away from the cafeteria. Rex, Mochi, and Annalise all watched in surprise.

The boys were found on one of the schools balconies, laughing and smoking.

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