Chapter 8 (Criminal minds)

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Victor tossed the book onto the night stand and did a big stretch. Multiple bones cracked,  the sound of being worn out is possibly bones cracking. Victor flipped the blanket over himself and let the moonlight cover his face. The faint sound of a horse neighing anxiously was heard nearby, and harsh cursing in a husky voice was heard. Whatever it was, it was time to sleep.

....Wait....what was going on out there? Victor peeked out the window and saw what appeared to be three men in black clothing. Victor crept off the bed and exited his dorm. Those men sounded like three familiar bullies. Victor's heart pounded, because it looked as though they were back to plan something a lot more awful than what they have done before. The main doors were closed, thankfully. However, that did make it more difficult to keep an eye on those boys. Victor heard muffled noises. One guy was frantically quieting the horse outside which was whinnying with fear. It seemed that they alerted the horses when they tried to break in. If they went even a bit louder, then at least a few students would surely be woken up by the noise.

Victor stepped back and clenched his jaw when he saw the door crack open. He saw a black fingered, gloved hand grip onto the doors and gently stretched them out even wider before entering. And it was just as Victor thought. Those three men behind the door were Spike, Ralph, and Drake. 

Spike, the one with the dark spiky hair was possibly the one who was most hidden well under his mask. Only his dark eyes gleamed through. Ralph was the burliest one with his slicked back, red hair and piercing blue eyes. And at last, Drake the pale skinned man with a shaved hair cut and his entire face visible with his dark eyes and beard clearly shown. These men all meant business, despite some of them failing to conceal themselves.

"YOU!" Ralph cried out angrily.

"What are you doing here?!" Victor questioned intensely.

"You little-" Ralph said stomping up to Victor with his fist clenched.

Victor stepped back quickly, with a wide-eyed expression.

"What are you doing?" Victor asked.

"What does it look like?" Ralph asked as he raised his fist up.

Victor then started running as fast as he could to the phone in the library, he dialed the police's phone number and clenched his teeth when Ralph came and snatched the phone away from him.

"HOLD HIM DOWN!" Ralph ordered Spike and Drake.

Each of them both grabbed onto one of Victor's arms and thrusted their knees into his stomach. Victor drew back a breath sharply and landed on the ground with a thud. He then brought up his legs to kick them both in the neck. Victor sprung to his feet and snatched the phone away from Ralph.

"911, what's your emergency" The lady at the other end of the phone asked.

"Hi, there are three expelled students that snuck back into the Royal High school!" Victor shouted as he firmly shoved Ralph to the floor.

"Okay, stay on the phone with us while we get there" The lady said.

"Send them fast, they are attacking me!" Victor said desperately as he felt Drake harshly grip his bicep

"We are sending over police to help you" The lady said.

Victor felt Drake's finger nails dig deep as he harshly heaved Victor on to the ground. 

"HANG UP THE PHONE" Ralph screamed as he picked up a heavy book and prepared to smash the phone.

Victor kicked the phone out of Ralph's way, got up, then threw a punch at Ralph's upper lip. He screamed in pain and landed harshly to the ground as blood started to trickle from his top lip and nostrils. 

"SON OF A-" Spike began  as his meaty hands went for Victor's throat. 

Just then, a shoe came flying through the air and smacked Spike in the face. He stumbled a bit and looked up with his eyebrows furrowed with anger. Everyone looked at the shoe. It was a bronze coloured flat. Everyone's eyes flicked up at Cassie, who was the owner of that shoe.

"Get your hands off, NOW!" Cassie screeched while storming up to them and snatching her shoe off the ground.

Just then, a bunch of police filed into the building and sirens were heard in the distance. Teachers and students filed out of their dorms with their sleepy expressions turning into frightened expressions.

"We are up here!" Victor announced.

And just like that, the group of police kicked open the library doors and bent Ralph, Spike, and Drake onto the table to get cuffed. 

"Thank you very much, sir" Victor said.

"We promise we will keep these boys out of this school" One of the police officers announced. Practically every school student watched as the three troublemakers were being shoved out of the building. It was a shocking night for each and every one of them. 

"Thank you, both of you." The principal, Mrs. Barbay said to both Victor and Cassie.

"You're welcome" Victor replied.

Victor turned towards Cassie after everyone shuffled back into their dorms. 

"Thank you for the defence....I appreciate it, really." Victor said.

"Hey! It's no problem. Now let's go to sleep, little hero" Cassie said as she booped him on the nose.

Victor stood there for a moment, feeling the tip of his nose where Cassie put her finger. It felt like an electric spark, something that can urgently wake him up during a coma. And through Cassie's nose boop and Mochi's hug, there was something sparking in the air that Victor could not put his finger on.

Finally, Victor felt tired. He headed back towards his dorm and happened to see Rex standing by his room and looking at Victor right in the eyes. 

"Hello, Rex" Victor said as he made his way to his own room.

"Why did you go alone?" Rex asked.

"Huh?" Victor said as he turned his head towards Rex.

"You always go alone to deal with things that put your life at high risk. You could have died!" Rex choked.

"I had to do something." Victor said.

"STOP DOING THESE THINGS!!! I don't want to lose you" Rex said as tears were forming.

"Rex, I had to-" Just then, Victor got cut off by Rex running up to him and hugging him tightly.

Victor was very caught off guard. He felt sorry for this colourful boy who was probably worried about him for days now.

"I promise I will be more careful..." Victor said as he patted Rex's head.

Rex slowly released from the hug and wiped at his tears.

"I sure hope you will!....Anyways, I'm going to bed. If you see anything suspicious from now on, wake me. Don't handle things alone" Rex said heading back to his room.

Victor headed into his room and let out a chuckle. There were so many interactions and weird occurrences at this school. It was pretty fun in a way. Victor had just thought how strange it is that he felt alive after being beaten. It was aggravating, but the victory of them getting arrested was something that Victor could just laugh at. Victor never realized how much he was smiling, and he didn't care. Even if he might have lost his mind, it did not subside him from having fun.

Who could have known that a pink, glittery school and not be so fabricated? There were so many layers, so many interesting people, so many things to learn about and things that have been learned, this school was not bad at all. It was sort of an escape or a blessing that he got invited here. Who could have known that the pink glittery school could have heavily affected and grown on the goth boy Victor?

Alas, it was a tiring night and time for bed. No more staring into the night sky, it was time to sleep until a new and eventful day came up. He went to sleep, along with everyone else. Truly a splendid bonding experience.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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