Chapter 7 (Sweet dessert)

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Baking class. Everyone was excited for that since it was free dessert after lunch. And after baking class, for Victor, it was a free work period. It was weird that the baking class was at the top of the waterfall, but an oddly pleasant layout for the school to have. Everyone who attended baking class, reached the top of the hill and approached the building. Inside of the baking building, was multiple baking stations for each and every one of the students to work at. A projector came down and there was a slideshow presentation on safety rules in the kitchen. 

"I absolutely love baking, don't you?" A teacher asked everyone. 

A majority of people nodded in agreement. The teacher seemed like a nice person, as everyone can guess. She wore a pink chefs outfit and had dark skin with the most gorgeous butterfly locs.

"Good! My name is Mrs. Mac. And we are going to start making something small today. However, I first want to go over the safety rules." She said.

And she absolutely did go over the rules. There were a lot of them, but not that hard to digest. Then, Mrs. Mac started handing out paper copies of a recipe for oven baked s'mores. The instructions were to put graham crackers, then chocolate, then marshmallows on top of each other. Set the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, then wait for it in the oven for about 9-11 minutes. It seemed simple enough.

Victor saw Annalise beside him. She walked up to a pink station and gave Victor a smile from over her shoulder. Victor tried to muster a smile, but couldn't bring himself to. His face seemed to be set at a permanent frown. Victor walked on over to a dark red station in the center and got to work. All the ingredients were already set at every station. Victor got out a baking tray and sprayed it for the meals to not stick. He first placed down the graham crackers, then the pieces of chocolate on top, then marshmallows as the final topping. Victor set the oven then put the tray in. He leaned back on the counter and scanned the room as he waited. One person appeared to be eating the bag of marshmallows, and another was being as careful and slow as possible to not wreck his perfect rows of graham crackers. 

Annalise was working like a ballerina. Each step was graceful and her dish was well put together. Before putting it in the oven, she got a bag of rainbow sprinkles and sprinkled it on to the tray to finish off. Victor has never seen sprinkles on a s'more. Annalise always seemed to have a knack for putting a bit of glamour to everything. Something that was pretty pleasant about her.

Moments passed and the dessert was finally done. As soon as Victor opened the oven, he was almost hypnotised by the warm, sugary scent. He slid on some oven mits and took the tray out. He placed it down and still heard the sizzling sound of the heated marshmallows. They looked like little burnt snowballs but with a gooey texture.

"Ooh! That looks fantastic!" Mrs. Mac said as she Peered over Victor's shoulder.

Victor found himself glancing over at Annalise's station. The rainbow sprinkles melted onto the marshmallows, making them look like little confetti snowballs. Some people had less s'mores than others, some people burnt them. It was a chance to see everyone's quality of baking and what it says about them.

"Looks like you added a little something extra, good job!" Victor heard Mrs. Mac say to Annalise.

Annalise flashed a big smile in response. And everyone just started revealing their s'mores. Everyone was marked on their desserts and then they were granted the permission to eat them. Annalise walked over to Victor with her tray with a big smile on her face.

"Would you like to try mine and I will try yours?" Annalise asked.

"Alright..." Victor announced.

Annalise placed her trays down on the counter next to Victor's and grabbed some plates in the cupboard, along with a knife to cut the dessert. Annalise cut off little squares of each dessert and gave both her and Victor one each of each dessert. She then got out a spoon and placed it on the plates. She handed one plate over to Victor and they both dug their spoon into the gooey desserts. Victor had a simple but perfectly done smore.

"Mmmm.." Annalise said after trying Victor's.

They went on to try her dessert, which meant extra sugar in an already sugary dessert. 

"Mm" Victor said with an impressed expression. It was like a party in the mouth, sugary but pleasant.

"I hope I didn't overdo it.." Annalise said, a little embarrassed.

"No, it's quite unique" Victor said.

"Really??" Annalise asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

Victor nodded. Annalise smiled bigger and they both dug another spoonful into the desserts at the same time. It was a remarkable moment between the two of them. There were definitely a lot of memories that were going to be made in this school.

Class was over and the period was free time. Victor had no idea where to go, so he headed to the library to pick up some books. He seemed to be the only person there. The silence was so loud that you could hear a pin drop. He dragged his finger along the spines of the book to possibly spot a book of his interest. A feminine giggle echoed through the library and startled Victor. Cassie was spotted and was sweeping her wing glitter off the ground. She directly made eye-contact with Victor and gave him a big smile.

"Hi..." Victor said.

"Hi!" Cassie replied.

There was silence in the room. There was definitely some sort of tension between them.

"Gotta stop flying so much.." Cassie said while tossing the broom from hand to hand.

"You haven't enabled control over it?" Victor asked.

Victor had been researching fairies a bit. There is definitely a procedure prescribed by doctors to cut back the glitter, he wondered why Cassie hasn't taken it yet. 

"Oh....I can't afford it.." Cassie answered.

"Oh....There are certain ways to make money as a student" Victor said.

"I know! I'm doing volunteer work as a librarian assistant right now! I know a lot about organizing, so this is a suitable job for me. Even if I gain very little from it." Cassie said.

"It seems to even cut back on your classes. You haven't been attending too much school" Victor said.

"I know....some stuff is just a little difficult, right now. I will fight my way through it, though!" Cassie enthused.

"I wish you the best of luck" Victor said quietly as he steered his attention back to the books.

"Thank you..." Cassie responded.

Victor finally found the tragedy book section for him to choose from. Cassie has minded her own business and was dusting the shelves in the storage room. Victor looked up at the ceiling and saw the old woman from the first time he entered the library. Was she even doing work? Victor wondered. Cassie was practically a librarian now and should get paid a lot more for it. It was sad to see how hard Cassie was working to just earn enough for a candy bar. He figured he should address the principal, but he chose to not bother her so soon, again.

Victor glanced at the clock on the wall, he didn't realize how long he was searching for books that it was already almost dinner. He left the room, not even picking a book up after all that time. It was remarkable how easily he could invest himself in something of his interest. Zoning out could get exhausting, though. He seemed to do it a lot when he didn't have much to do. 

Victor decided to go back to his dorm to rest a bit and possibly study if he feels the need to. He strangely didn't hear Rex when he got to the dorm. It seemed like everyone was done making noise and moving all about. It was the perfect time to relax. Even in this glitter covered school.

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